For an easier life Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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#LDN - Plan

by gorubeza

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Mysteries of the Kadoatery
Feepits aren't as innocent as they seem

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Plight of a Knight
The chains jangled on my legs and wrists like bells. They had blindfolded me, but a musty scent told me wherever I was going was grimy and cold. The guide beside me kept a firm grip on my arm as I inched along, as my body moved me forward in spite of myself.

by darkpixie28


Secrets of the DMBGPoP
The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo of Prosperity has been an unquestioned part of the Faerieland landscape for nearly a decade. In recent years, it has become part of many Neopians' daily routine, bringing joy and the occasional free plushie. Despite its popularity, however, few know anything about the plushie, choosing not to look a gift Uni in the mouth. Fortunately, if there is one thing I'm good at, it's asking questions.

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Shopkeepers: The Truth Behind the Counter
And then I did a double-take. Because the shopkeeper was none other than Fyora herself. Her Royal Faerie Highness was standing there behind the counter, waving as I left the store dumbstruck. What was the Faerie Queen doing tending a small shop in Altador, waiting for passers-by to peruse her employer’s selection of partially-eaten omelettes?

by cosmicfire918

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