For an easier life Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Lame Pun: Jelly Wor-

by blackaavar

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#LDN - Plan
The plan unfolds...

by gorubeza


Agent 42
Jacob flicked the switch on the coal-sorter and waited on baited breath. This would be the one, surely. The Christmas Kacheek had spent far too many hours on the device for it to backfire again. Slowly one steam-powered rotor began to turn and moved the coal from one pile into its internal furnace. It worked just as planned: a breakthrough, in his eyes.

by opossumman


On top of Terror Mountain...

by twillieblossom


Pant Devils Pants
The Pant Devil steals back what is his.

Also by sage254

by sophieauditore

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