Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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Life As A Kad: The Struggles

by anniversarium

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Duplicity: Part Twelve
Giles ran over to his freed father and jumped on him with open arms the moment he saw him. The small Xweetok smiled as Garrington weakly ruffled his mane. Dark circles surrounded the duke’s eyes. His wife, the duchess, pinched her nose and nodded along. “Yes, yes, we miss you very much. I think the dungeons have done a number on you.”

by likelife96


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Eight
I groaned. "Everyone still thinks that Jane, Natia, and I are thieves," I answered. "I'm going to talk to Queen Fyora to clear our names. I'm a little surprised she didn't do anything already."

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Four
Chloe followed Buzz out, putting her mask back on as a matter of habit. The courtyards were orderly, but they were plain, the flowers gone and only the bushes remaining. The signs of Elise's hard work, maintained by a gardener when they were in Neopia Central, were gone.

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NeoPaper: Question We All Wondered About
Well, now you know!

by mbredboy31

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