A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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See, This Is Not Boring

by goldensif

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Mud Coffee
And he melts in the rain, too.

by goron0000


A Day of Play
When I woke up one morning, I took a moment to look around the bedroom of my owner’s Neohome. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm. To me, everything was right with the world.

by blackghoulmon


The Funny Habits Of Avatar Collectors!
Avatar collectors are a completely unique breed of player, willing to spend 100+ hours on mastering a game just for the avatar score. I don't think any other kind of player on this site is quite so crazy! Why are avatar collectors so zany, obsessed and strange? So here are the top 10 strangest habits of avatar collectors! I think they're quirky, bizarre, and absolutely charming, and I hope you do too!

by indulgences


Random Oddness
Her hair is more accurate than the weatherman.

by mistyqee

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