The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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Count Von Roo's Deadly Hour

by brooklyn3223

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Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends.

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Usuki Singing Stars #31: Lola Minds Her Manners
“Nope,” said Lola. Her smile widened. “Ms. Butterworth has invited me to an elegant dinner at Kelp! She’s taking me because she’s been so proud of my Neoschool grades.” Patricia and Sparkles sighed enviously. Kelp was the fanciest restaurant in all of Neopia! Located in Maraqua, the restaurant had a reputation for serving the most exquisite entrees, the delicate china plates in the dining room and being one of the few places in Neopia where Neopians could dress up in their best clothes and jewellery.

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Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ
I'm gonna poke it with a stick.

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