A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,961,412 Issue: 723 | 11th day of Running, Y18
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Avatar Atrocity

by dawgcpa

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10 Wearables That Transform Customizations
With thousands of neocash items in existence, it can be overwhelming to design a new customization for your pet. While there are likely hundreds of items that have the ability to completely change an entire customization, I've narrowed it down to ten of my favorites. Each of these items has the potential to add so much to your closet, and perhaps even replace multiple wishlist items.

by painted_dreams87


When Carrots AREN'T Carrots...

by sn4zzeh


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Four
Over coughing up sobs, I heard the metal door squeak, and something slipped behind me. I could see it from a shadow on the wall, standing there like stone, its shape overlapping with my quivering silhouette. Even covered in darkness I dared to not let it find my face, soaked and shaken, pressed against the cold surface of the table.

by ummagine3284


Four Legged Friends (FLF) Wearables: Spring Edition
We understand that there are hundreds of amazing wearables out there, but we have chosen ten beautiful ones (both NC and NP) for you to choose from when you're trying to come up with a fancy Spring customization.

Also by 987654321_hj

by piinkskullz

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