Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,961,412 Issue: 723 | 11th day of Running, Y18
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Jhudora on Illusen Day

Now of course, on Illusen Day, our favorite Earth faerie has a line out the door to visit with her, to go on quests for her, and to generally celebrate her and all that she has done for Neopia! But… what exactly does her rival, her most hated enemy, the dark faerie Jhudora do on Illusen Day? Well, I decided to pay her a visit and see what she had planned for the day.

Other Stories


Adventures in Krawk Island
"Rare treasures on sale! Get them now! We brought these back all the way in the Lost Desert, 'ey're so rare," a typical Pirate merchant shouted to everyone in hearing distance on the Warf Wharf. That meant everyone. The guy was loud. Lillian rolled her eyes. All of these pirates were scammers and frauds.

by dunefurandlilypelt


Ghostly Dreams
Identity. That was something Sylva didn't have the time or courage to keep anymore. Sylva had been a dashing young Lupe, adventurous, newly wed, setting out to sail every other weekend. What ever he was now wasn't that. Quite the opposite, if anything.

by jrayeb3


Seven Designer Scrolls
The scrolls in Neopia are almost all good for reading, but there are quite of other things that scrolls can be done with that are surprising! In the last edition of Seven Scrolls, I talked about seven of the dastardliest scrolls throughout Neopia. This time, I decided to focus on another aspect of scrolls, how they look!

by xiaolin10413


How to say "Ugga"
No, no, you're saying it wrong! It's further back in your mouth. Now make a trill back there. No, no, no – it's like a rolled 'r', but more of a rolled 'g'. Yes, I think you got it! Now try and put that sound back into the word “Ugga”... Nope, that wasn't right either. Never mind, keep trying!

by reiqua


More Like Illusen

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe


What's Down the Symol Hole?
Never leave any food in the symol hole, it will attract nearby petpets.

by singing_meadow

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