Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,940,129 Issue: 726 | 1st day of Eating, Y18
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Book Shop: Retired

by oscaryg5

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Great stories!


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Seven
Burly creatures were digging in the snow, their long, yellow claws flinging powder into the air. Their feet were massive enough to crush any enemy. Their teeth were so long, she almost mistook them as tusks. Camouflaged by their overgrown tufts of white fur, from their ankles to their forehead, where twisted horns reached for the sky, their red pupils burned into her mind.

by ummagine3284


The Essential Items to Survive the Wraith Apocalypse
So you've probably heard that Neopia is being invaded! Those pesky Wraiths have finally broken through the barrier and us Neopets are being done away with. It's alright for now, of course, while their sights are set firmly on those Faeries (which is fine with me; I was never fond of them anyway). But soon … soon the empty eyes of the Wraiths shall turn on us innocent Neopets

Also by phoenix_through_fire

by azusa_k


Dinner with the Scarlets: Wraithland
Mysterious and randomly appearing portals to Wraithland are mysterious and randomly appearing.

by june_scarlet


Wraithland’s Wraith Quests
A new and unique world has just been revealed, accessible only be randomly appearing portals: Wraithland! By now I’m sure we all have visited this strange land where the Wraiths live in a kind of paradoxical chaotic harmony with its Neopets civilians; seeing all the lands, daily attractions, shops, games, and hints of an upcoming event.

by pikachu315111

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