Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice

by natlain

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Trophies That We Actually Regret!
Inspired by the ironic notion of actually REGRETTING one's trophies, I thought I'd write this article! Most Neopians are eager to accrue as many trophies as possible. Yet there are also those motley players who actually REGRET the trophies they own!

by indulgences


Mad Scientist Is Mad
Why so crazy?

by brenda_bbm


Messi's Meowclops'
It was the year 18 in Neopia and a small litter of new meowclops had wandered through the Haunted Woods toward the magical smell of Faerieland. There were four of them in the family and they had been separated from their mother for a few hours now.

by wildprincessxoxo


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Five
I remained quiet as Jane, Natia, James, and I walked to this area that was depicted on the map.I didn't argue with James much more. He took a Cartography course at Brightvale University and according to what he said, he was a good student. If he could read the map, then I wouldn't stop him.

by chasing_stars44

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