For an easier life Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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Fishing Cavern of Dissapointment

by x0x_gina_x0x

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Be Extreme
You need a hobby.

by goldensif


Game Avatars for the Non Gamer: Part Two!
If you enjoyed last week's 'Game Avatars for the Non Gamer', this article is for you! Here are 7 more relatively easy game avatars for you to try out!

Also by salutation

by golvenzee


From the Top: An Interview with Love2045, Owner of a Top Faerieland Agency Employee
Today I’m speaking with love2045, proud owner of red_hot2004. Red_hot2044 is a baby Shoyru who has completed over twenty-five thousand (!) jobs and is currently the #2 ranked employee at the agency. While there are already guides out there for beginners, love2045 is here with her pet to share some insights and experiences

Also by love2045

by malphd


15 Cutest Petpets For Less Than 5000 NP
Who doesn’t love petpets? Those little critters will keep your Neopet active, alert, and responsible. They come in all species and colors, and lots of people think that the most beautiful ones are the most expensive. That’s not entirely true, for some of the cutest and most adorable petpets can be also the cheapest.

by darkobsession

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