Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,049,981 Issue: 735 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y18
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by lyndsey4657

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Great stories!


The Sleeper of Altador: Part One
These Neopians never knew just how good they had it. To be fair, she took everything for granted, too--that is, until she was frozen in stone for an eon. During her imprisonment, the concept of time became warped in her mind, but she could still feel things--things like the joy and hurt radiating from the Neopians bustling about her, and the reverberations from centuries of war.

by amarettoball


10+ Items We Need in NeoHomes 2.0
Glitches and goodies!

by zehlua


Top 5 Easiest Flash Game Avatars
Whether you’re an avid collector or just think game avatars are cool, there’s really no excuse to NOT have these avatars in your collection – they’re fun to work for, great to look at, and improve your account more than you would realize; and, if you get really good, you may even score a trophy in the process!

by forcenturies


A Key Quest Story
Ryan looked inside the box he was holding and sighed. The Key Quest arcade had been undergoing renovations for what seemed like forever. The Green Kacheek bought this token for his younger brother just days before he found out about the closing. He had been holding on to it ever since.

by neolikepets

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