Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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The Solution

by waterbird333

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Isca’s and Caylis’s Horoscope for Year 18
Amongst the many beliefs about dreams and nightmares the most common is that they are visions of the future. To most this is a myth, but for two Maraquan Aisha this belief is truth.

by pikachu315111


A Jelly Nightmare
The moment Sue opened her eyes, she realized something was wrong. The ship was empty except for the water faerie who floated before her. Of course, Sue could never forget Mariana, the water faerie who arranged all of her passages leaving Krawk Island. There were many things that Sue couldn’t understand about the situation.

by rocksysmom


Project: Nightmare
The fog rolled over the shores of Krawk Island thicker than usual that evening. The haunting sounds of the dock bells fell upon the frightened ears of a dockworker, a green Tuskaninny. Something about this night in particular seemed…off.

by opossumman


Behind the Crimes: An Interview With Hubrid Nox
Matilda Crabapple from the Poison Pen coming to you live from a desolate mountaintop in the Haunted Woods. We're here today in search of the notoriously evil, and scheming Hubrid Nox to find out what devilish plans he has in store for us next.

Also by dark_angel_ds

by the_lady_j

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