A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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#LDN - Invasion

by gorubeza

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Great stories!


The Dreamer
The one thing that holds true is that everyone seems to have them and oftentimes, they struggle to explain what they mean. Neopians that struggle to interpret their own dreams often seek the counsel of The Dreamer.

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The Solution
There has to be a way to figure this out

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A Bright Moon, Some Rolling Hills, And Infinity
The sky was dark, but distant stars twinkled alongside a full and bright Kreludor moon, giving a pretty sight for two blithe Neopets to gaze at while they lay side by side among rolling grassy hills. They claimed these benevolent hills as their own as they often came to them to gaze at stars, watch a sunrise, or to pick flowers.

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Palia Alback for the Win!
Before the Captain could reply, the locker room door burst open with the arrival of the Red Scorchio Referee. “Five minutes, Team Faerieland! Grab your gear and go." With a flutter of wings, Team Faerieland floated out of the locker room to enter the tunnel leading to the pitch.

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