White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Still Grumpy

by umhiimalexis

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Where the Vandagyres Really Were
The struggles of being nocturnal.

Also by xale22

by sophieauditore


Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part Five
She was about to suggest they all sat and relaxed, when a cold spurt of water hit her in the face. “PFFFFFFFT.” Saba spluttered wildly, gazing around frantically. Was it the Techo ghosts? Had they come for her?

by anjie


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Gem of Rundeth: Part One
It was a quiet night in Faerieland. No one was awake to see a dark and seemingly gelatinous figure make its way to Faerie Queen's Castle. It then turned into a blob and slid unseen into the castle through a window. The blob carefully traversed the castle hallways until it had arrived at a room sparkling with gems in the light of the half-moon.

by orisasda


A Draik's Dessert-Themed Dilemma
The sky was dark, and Batterflies littered the air. Hessron the Plushie Draik was in his bed, trying to sleep. However, his ears were plagued by an odd, creepy noise. Therefore, he got up to investigate.

by _brainchild_

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