Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,201,542 Issue: 746 | 26th day of Hiding, Y18
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Samrin the Joker

by sophieauditore

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A Mutant's Best Friend
He was so tired of being made a spectacle of. Mutants were so outcast these days...

by yoshisislandbandit


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Four
It really was like stepping into another world. The thick wall behind them muffled the sounds of the city, leaving the ruins eerily silent. Overgrown thickets of brush carpeted the ground, and gnarled old trees, their bare branches devoid of the slightest hint of spring, pushed their roots against cracked stone like they were attempting to escape from their wretched prison.

by cosmicfire918


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Five
The Korbat and I walked through the winding hallways of the building - base, was what the Korbat said. I navigated it like I had for all of my life. It was almost routine for me.

by chasing_stars44


A Frightening Monster : A (Tiny) Scary Spider
If only the spider was as big as the one in this thumbnail!

by starsbc

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