Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,201,542 Issue: 746 | 26th day of Hiding, Y18
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Short Stories

A Mutant's Best Friend

He was so tired of being made a spectacle of. Mutants were so outcast these days...

by yoshisislandbandit
Introspection of the Misunderstood

The sky shines bright blue today, clear enough that you can almost see to the heavens above. From down here, one can only imagine the vastness of space, of what lies beyond, out of reach from all but the most intrepid.

by mucka33
Quiggles Plus

When the freighter arrives, the captain finds the baby Grundo eating his turnips. He's furious. He takes the baby with him, to the market in Meridell, then on to the rubbish heap to dump the half eaten turnips and leaves the youngster there.

by edawg202
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The Last Of Your Neo Neuroses!

I logged into my main account one day and freaked out over the fact that the site theme had been changed. I panicked, checked my gallery (all was well), checked my shop (still chock full of items), and scanned my pets (all were present). Then I suddenly remembered that the night before, I'd been playing with the various site themes on my account. I must have forgotten to return my active site theme to the JumpStart theme! I breathed a sigh of relief, changed the theme back to JumpStart's colorful theme, and nursed my shattered nerves with a hot cup of coffee. That said, I wondered if I was the only one who neurotically kept her site theme the same way, no matter what! I have plenty of rare site themes from past events and plots, but I always use the JumpStart theme.

Other Stories


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Meepit Juice Break
One of the last game avatars I ever received was Meepit Juice Break. MJB is a complicated puzzle game that requires speed, critical thinking, and a lot of strategy

by krazypinkgurl


Leaves - Don't Just Leave Them!
Autumn is upon us and every self-respecting neohome owner will spend a great deal of their time raking up the fallen leaves. Yes, they'll be gathering leaves in this, the month of Gathering!

by tallydepp


Desert Requiem: Part Eleven
Once upon a time, he thought that there could be no greater tragedy than that of a city whose entire inhabitants had been transformed into freaks overnight. That was before he discovered the solitude of being the only one in the city who was a freak.

by kalnya


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Five
The Korbat and I walked through the winding hallways of the building - base, was what the Korbat said. I navigated it like I had for all of my life. It was almost routine for me.

by chasing_stars44


Before It Was Cool
How does that even exist?

by emmyute


A Frightening Monster : A (Tiny) Scary Spider
If only the spider was as big as the one in this thumbnail!

by starsbc

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