Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,201,769 Issue: 747 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y18
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Pounding a Neopet...

by chizuru

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Overlooked Neopians: The Soup Faerie
But as the Faerie Festival approaches it’s time to begin to celebrate the Faeries and all they do to aid Neopia. But amongst the Space Faerie, Fountain Faerie and all the rest there is one faerie that frequently goes overlooked.

by trixietrotter


Ghostly Woes
Give him a break!

by fanofjake


An Artful Heart
Ever since Kasey Kacheek was a baby, he had always loved the arts. He first visited the art centre at the age of five. Fascinated by the glow of the campfire dancing across the Aishas' faces, he'd listen shyly as they wove fantastic tales of mountains, beasts, and the brave Neopets who conquered them.

by kittiesthebest


Lame Pun: Training School
Today's Moral: THINK. FIRST.

by blackaavar

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