The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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Drastic Measures

by 108050

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“We’re doomed!” Sulvi wailed. The baby Aisha rocked back and forth in the darkest corner of the lounge, unable to meet her brother’s apprehensive gaze. “Doomed is a pretty strong word,” Zypea the pea Chia observed her distress calmly from his position on the sofa. “We’re just in a bit of a pickle. A spot of bother, if you will. A temporary setback.”

by xxskyisfallingxx


Karamita and the Lab Jazz: Part Three
Karamita tugged at the hem of her coat. It was somewhat foreign for her to wear a coat as the weather in Neopia Central was rarely extremely cold. She was a bit confused as to why Sue was dressed in her normal apparel of just a wig and an overcoat, but didn’t bother to ask why.

by rocksysmom


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Eight
This was the longest Pharazon could ever recall walking. His feet hurt. He’d tried flying until his wings hurt, but his feet hadn’t stopped hurting by then, and walking took less energy anyway. The hunger didn’t help. Their breakfast that morning, while kind of Kass to retrieve for them, had not been satiating, and Pharazon’s stomach began to complain loudly, as did Celice’s.

by cosmicfire918


Everyone tries to be a Weewoo, but it just doesn't work sometimes.

Also by morifoy

by sosunub

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