The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,363,486 Issue: 762 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y18
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A Very Merry Telethon (4 of 4)

by izzywizard

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Christmas Special: A Fresh Baguette
This short story was inspired by a particular petpet, can you guess which one it is before you finish the tale?

by vanquishee


Snowed In
I guess there's always tomorrow...

Also by spurstrap

by suixx


2016 Item Trends Part II: Wearables
Welcome to Part II of this two-part series on item trends in Y18! This week, we’ll be looking at the most popular wearables that were released in the past year.

by unfreeze_divicool72


Random Oddness
It's definitely the thought that counts with this one.

by mistyqee

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