Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,363,486 Issue: 762 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y18
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Short Stories

And Winter Thaws Us All

She knows what he is, she just can't remember. Tall, black furred creature with a streak of white fur that runs down his back. She tries to remember. Are they one of the good pets? Or are they the ones she was warned off - like the ones who destroyed her home, with big, gnashing jaws that tore wings apart -- she doesn't want to think about it. He doesn't look like one of them, anyway. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," he says, gently wiggling his fingers.

by phoenix_through_fire
That's a Wrap

A light snow fell. Dusk was falling and the bright lights from the shops let off a pleasant glow. Neopets bustled along well-worn paths. Neopia Central was busier than ever. The Month of Giving had begun.

by 77thbigby
I’ve Had A Very Merry Christmas

I don’t think I have ever received so many gifts. I must have been a really good Draik! I was gifted several amazing wearables. Shirts, socks, gloves, pajamas, and even a hat, just to name a few! There were even different accessories to go with them. I’m such a lucky pet. I’ve had a very Merry Christmas.

Also by djleclair

by blackroseofwisdom

The Most Significant Gifts We Never Give

With your eyes half shut it looks like stars, flames in a forest sky, scintillating like candles warm in a window. Some are close to one another, nearly overlapping, while some are father apart, forming neat rows that are never perfect, but almost; horizontal and vertical. They form many constellations, if you look hard enough.

by dewdropzz
Christmas Special: A Fresh Baguette

This short story was inspired by a particular petpet, can you guess which one it is before you finish the tale?

by vanquishee
The Greatest Gift

In the Season of Giving, a disheartened Wocky receives the best gift she could have ever asked for.

by butteredwings
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Your NeoQuest Addiction

Wise. Crazy. Powerful. All adjectives that imminently describe you. You wanted that avatar, the one with the weird squinty Cybunny on it. You put it off. “NeoQuest? Isn’t that the game that requires you to click 5 million times? That’s not even NeoQuest II? That was invented before Rukis were discovered? I don’t have time for that, I have a life,”

Other Stories


Breaking Your NeoQuest Addiction
Wise. Crazy. Powerful. All adjectives that imminently describe you. You wanted that avatar, the one with the weird squinty Cybunny on it.

by mianaai


3 Great Themed Neopet Account Ideas
Have you ever looked at your User Lookup and just thought to yourself, “I love all my Neopets separately, but together, they just don’t seem to match!” Well then, this list is perfect for you, because now you can finally find pets that are not just perfect by themselves, but also as a set. Yes, I’m talking about doing themed Neopet accounts!

by kahlen369


Of Silence: A Home for the Holidays: Part Three
Kanrik definitely should have expected this. It’s how the stories always go, right? The thief was so enraptured by Simeon’s writing that he didn’t even feel Katydid leaving his shoulder to greet her owner. He didn’t hear Simeon’s footsteps as he made his way up the stairwell.

by theschizophrenicpunk


The Holly and the Ivy
A powerful smell, acrid and rich, filled Nan’s sinuses. She sneezed—and her eyes flew open. The world around her was bright and unfocused, but pungent aromas filled the air and something crackled and popped nearby. And she was warm, positively hot, wrapped in an enormous fur blanket. The blanket removed a pawful of leaves from under Nan’s nose. “Ah, there you are,” it said in a deep, husky voice.

by cosmicfire918


Tails of Justice - All I Want for Christmas
The Beginning - The Wishes of one determined Lenny...

by renegade_kitty


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 12
It's not exactly what you wanted...

by blackaavar

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