Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,595,202 Issue: 778 | 21st day of Eating, Y19
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A Neverending Rivalry

by paraxeno_daimonio

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Great stories!


Careful what you wish for!

Also by venom_creep

by _m_a_e


Well, that was offensive.

by cyberfall


Mayor May Not
"You see no issue in the fact that we've continuously elected him as Mayor despite not knowing his name? What if he's a Sway plant or something?" Jacob said. "I'm going to the Arcanium. They have a news archive."

by opossumman


Trapped in Freaky Factory
Blobs. Small blobs, big blobs, ginormous blobs. Red blobs, blue blobs, yellow blobs. I imagine these are coloured as such to represent anger, sadness, and cowardice: All common feelings whilst trying to obtain the elusive Freaky Factory avatar.

Also by theyellowrose

by dissiechrissie

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