Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,763,780 Issue: 792 | 4th day of Hiding, Y19
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Confronting Edna About Her Avatar
I'm pretty sure Edna knew I was writing this expose, as I just got the avatar...

by mouseketeers


Talking Shop With Pizzaroo
Pizzaroo is a friendly green Blumaroo who sports a fancy mustache and a puffy chef's hat. He runs the pizza shop that sells a huge variety of crazy flavors such as Yummy Muddy Pizza and Banana and Kiwi Pizza. He's here today to share some tips with us about how to run the most successful shop possible.

by indebtedness


The Year 2123: Part Two
Letting out a sigh Motlay turned towards the right. "Dear Fyora protect me like you always have."

by ikomoki


Summer PSA
Stay cool!

by nikipinder

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