Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,835,986 Issue: 798 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y19
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Mmmm candy pets

by serebii251

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Guide to the Battledome: Avatar Opponents (Part 4)
Here, I’ll go over recommended pet stats, weapons, and strategies to defeat the Ghost Lupe, Kasuki Lu, Meuka, Black Pteri, and Space Faerie, all of whom reward an avatar.

by berzerkturtlez


The Faerie Festival Potluck: Land Quest Edition
There are many traditions the Faeries follow for the Faerie Festival, one being the potluck.

by pikachu315111


Neopuns: Usul
Just the usul....

by apocalyptist


So Much for Taking a Break...
TNT, you know just how to stop me from leaving.

Also by glittery4u

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