Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,835,986 Issue: 798 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y19
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New Series

The Poossession: Part one

Huval stared at the ruins of his town in horror. Every home had been ransacked, and most of them were missing several valuables.

by ag1228l
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The Faerie Festival Potluck

There are many traditions the Faeries follow for the Faerie Festival, one being the potluck. While there are some years where Faerieland Castle handles all the catering, what more often happens is certain Faeries are assigned to bring food (paid for by Faerieland Castle).

Other Stories


Just a Bookish Aisha
The young Blue Aisha sat down at a table stacked high with tattered-looking books. She opened Book Repair 101 to the first page, but no sooner had she done so when the door to the library burst open and King Hagan strode in.

by millyandsugar


"I'm going to fly to Kreludor on my own two wings," Tresapeake said, and there didn't exist a word or phrase in the Neopedia that could dissuade her.

by goldmoon_


Gaming Skeiths
Most Skeiths are not recognized for their gaming skills, but there are actually a surprising number of Skeiths featured in games. We are here to help you celebrate today to the fullest with all the gaming Skeiths, from well-known Skeiths like King Hagan and King Skarl to the lesser known ones like the blue one in Hungry Skeith whose name is unknown.

Also by blue_eyed_tiger_j

by wokitana


11 Overlooked Spook-Worthy Wearables
Who said September was too early to start planning for the fright-fest we all adore?

by 09004888


Don't let success go to your head!

by lepetitpoulet


Neopuns: Usul
Just the usul....

by apocalyptist

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