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Top Ten Most Frustrating Things Only Neopet Players

by tkprtyrhd


      We all love Neopets, a tried and true friend for many years. However, like all great friendships sometimes things happen that really annoy you, things that make you think this is the straw that broke the camels back but then you hug and make up. Below is a list of the Top Ten Most Frustrating Things Only Neopet Players Will Understand.

     1. Wishlist: TP Price

      We have all seen it, you are trying to buy an item on the Trading Post you have no idea how much to offer and apparently nobody knows how much to ask for. Does not matter how new or old the item is, how many have sold, there inevitably comes a time when everybody who is selling on the post has the same wishlist, “Trading Post Price” or, “Lowest on Post.”

      I end up not buying anything because I have no idea how to offer on these or what to do with this total lack of information.

     2. xxxx Stock is at 60!

      Sell now! The stock is at 60! 70! It keeps going up, hours later when you log on and get all this information from the Stock Market Neoboard you rush to the Stock Market front page only to find out in a few short hours an incredibly plunge has occurred and the stock that was going through the roof only earlier that day is now at 13 and you are out of luck.

      Somewhat less painful, but still annoying is when you do sell only to see that the stock kept crawling up. As a rule of thumb I refuse to look at any information about a stock after I sell it but once in a while the green eyes of envy get the best of me. I cannot complain about making easy money but I can be upset that I did not make more.

      3. Round and Round and Round and Round and Round it goes…

      But it is almost certainly going to stop on that horrifically loud pterodactyl thing and scare you half to death. Looking at you Wheel of Monotony, hours spent waiting in anticipation, and sometimes forgetting that it is spinning, looking for the avatar or maybe a consolation paint brush only to be scared out of my wits by that darn bird. Maybe one day I will learn to turn down the sound on my speakers while it is spinning but probably not. Then again, without that sound how would I ever remember to check back for the avatar I did not win.

     4. Refresh, how come I never see anything good?

      Oh, there it is and… there it goes! I surely cannot be the only person who has spent hours waiting for a good restock only to realize there is a Sticky Snowflake Stamp on the stamp market page and it is too late to do anything about it. No, just me? Okay, well, take my word on this - it hurts.

      Sometimes the mindless refreshing gets the best of you and you forget why you were even refreshing in the first place. It is one thing to totally miss a restock because of bad timing, it is a totally different thing to wave a great restock bye bye because you forgot your purpose.

     5. Going for Gold in Pyramids

      Pyramids is an easy enough game, it is fun, relaxing, and takes minimal effort. Unfortunately, it also takes a great bit of luck. The worst is when you are having a great game, everything is going well, you have 10+ cards left and one card left to clear and then suddenly the walls all come crashing down. Refresh after refresh you are left with nothing, always two high or two low from your goal. The game ends, you are bust.

      But then suddenly one day, you clear it! You have done it, one more clear and you are the proud owner of a shiny gold trophy. Everything is going great! You have 15 cards left and one card left to clear and then it happens. The walls, they crumble, the pyramid gets higher and higher and the card pile dwindles when you realize your nightmare is happening all over again. You go bust, back to square one with you.

      6. When Going for Gold wasn’t the plan

      I love getting a new game trophy as much as the next player but I love getting new avatars more. There are a few games in particular where the avatar score ends up being higher than the average trophy run. It has happened to me a few times, I am so close to the avatar score but then something goes wrong and I lose my last life, or as was the most recent case, I lost all my Volcano Run progress right before the end.

      The end result ends up being a loss in my book but then I go to the high score table and see I will be getting a trophy. It is a bittersweet victory, a nice result but no avatar to show for it. Is this really a win? The trophy staring back at me on my user lookup; a painful reminder of my failed avatar attempts. Not all that glitters is gold and in this case, it might as well be bronze.

     7. Hold the phone, I have Kads to feed..

      “No really, it is an emergency,” “Okay well I will just step away for a minute...” Bam! They Kads finally go, your long wait of refreshing all for nothing, because something got in the way and the Kads finally decided they were hungry.

     Every thing was quiet and then it all hit at once, your hunger, the phone, whatever the case you missed the refresh you sat patiently, dedicated too. You betrayed the Kads, or maybe they betrayed you, either way another long hour looms.

      8. Sorry there was a problem submitting your score

      This might be the most painful error message on all of Neopets. You will probably never be ever to recreate your score or maybe you spent hours on a game like Evil Thade or Meepit Juice Break and now it is all for nothing. It hurts too much to try again, it hurts too much to accept defeat but what can you do? Maybe try again in another month when the heart-breaking loss has passed.

     9. No really, there is a secret tree-trunk level in Kass Basher

      I have been playing Kass Basher for many years and I refused to believe there was a secret bat that appears at random; it seems to be the only way to get the trophy as well. Well, I will never know because I have only seen the tree trunk once and I was so confused, so ecstatic my moment of glory had finally arrived that I completely missed the shot. It was not even close; the moment came so fast and was gone even quicker. I will probably never be able to recreate the moment but the memories will last a lifetime.

     10. We don’t care about your uncle

      I do not have anything clever for this really. My uncle is a funny guy but I cannot talk about him on Neopets. I cannot even accidently type “uncle” because the filter will block it and delete the rest of the two-paragraph story I typed out and then I do not want to go back and retype anything so my guild thinks I am incredibly anti-social when really, I am just incredibly confused.


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