The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,947,081 Issue: 809 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y19
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Short Stories

Winter's Wings

It was a cold day in Neopia Central, or so Winter supposed. The shops were decorated with a thin dusting of snow that only grew larger as more flakes continued falling.

by cruthmac
Are All People Deserving of Success?

The six, intimidating words hung in the air, heavy and overcast. Krell looked around the room, a sea of nameless faces appearing to be just as unsure as he felt.

by butterflybandage
The Haunted Cave - Retold by Oira

As you walk into room number 292 at the Cheap Hotel - you would see a Regal Oak Wood Bed and a baby Kougra tucked in it - reading a book.

by alvissofcaldia
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"Are All People Deserving of Success?" by butterflybandage
"Are all people deserving of success?" The six, intimidating words hung in the air, heavy and overcast. Krell looked around the room, a sea of nameless faces appearing to be just as unsure as he felt. This only comforted him momentarily when the professor smacked her cane against the chalkboard, once again drawing attention to the question. "Are all people deserving of success?" Krell shifted in his seat, too muscular to fit comfortably, his shoulders hunched up by his ears and left leg dangling awkwardly to the side. This caught the attention of the ancient Draik, whose sudden jerk of excitement startled the monstrous Kyrii. "You had something to say?" she asked expectantly. Krell figured he’d have to answer anyway, even if he embarrassingly explained he was simply squished like a sardine with thighs stuck between the seat and desk. Instead, he attempted an answer. "Uh. I mean, yeah? No?" A shiver ran down his spine. "Well, which is it?" she laughed. "It can’t be both!" The rest of the class nervously joined in, watching him from the corners of their eyes, relief echoing in their laughs, thankful they hadn’t been the ones singled out. Krell silently cursed his physique—how much trouble had it gotten him in?—and muttered a final, "I don’t know." The Draik raised a wrinkled hand, but was serendipitously interrupted by a Weewoo, chirping loud and determined.

Other Stories


Kauvara: The Untold Story
Kauvara is one of the most well respected potion masters in all of Neopia, which isn’t really surprising considering her skill in producing such amazing handmade potions. However, even with as many visitors as she gets a day, how many Neopians truly know Neopia’s most famous Kau?

Also by Iljanmw

by klutzygirl1


All that Glows is not Gold
Everyone knows the good old saying ‘All that glitters is not gold’.

by water_park1993


The Magical Transporter:Part Seven
Everyone sat in a circle around judge Hog.

by hallie035


Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter
I’ve had a lot of people ask me what it was like hanging out with Balthazar during our assignment on Famous Haunted Woods citizens, last year.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


When are we having dinner?

by ssjelitegirl


Petition against petitions
There is always something to complain about *complains*

by paperjeans

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