Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,954,650 Issue: 810 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y19
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The Clarification

by anne77777

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December Surroundings
The month of celebration is a time to be merry, eat, give, and be together with loved ones. My favorite time of the year is almost upon us and I can't wait to celebrate this festive occasion with everyone.

Also by Greyfever

by yuri445


Mind Your Socks
Life advice: always bring a spare pair

by paperjeans


Getting Your Dream Pet, Without Winning A Contest
All of Neopia is abuzz with festive cheer and jolly moods, Christmas spirit is in the air all around us. And with that comes one of the most exciting contests of the year: the Dream Pet Giveaway!

by randmar


Lever of Gifts
A comic about the secret behind the Lever of Doom: lots and lots of Christmas presents.

by srebrenjezik

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