There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,954,650 Issue: 810 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y19
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New Series

Mortally Challenged: Intern

Job hunting has taken a bit of a toll on me these past few months. I’ve been trying for internships to clinics all over Neovia, even sent some files to Neopia Central, and yet nothing comes up.

by cherishtwilight
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Getting Your Dream Pet, Without Winning A Contest

All of Neopia is abuzz with festive cheer and jolly moods, Christmas spirit is in the air all around us. And with that comes one of the most exciting contests of the year: the Dream Pet Giveaway! Thousands of hopeful pets are entered, but only forty get to walk away with the grand prize of a dream makeover. The winning pets will get morphed and painted into their owner’s greatest dream pet, possibly one that they could have never afforded without having won the competition! But, like I said, only forty can win...and out of thousands of entries, those odds aren’t so good.

Other Stories


Kaia’s Christmas Break
Snow in Shenkuu was a rare sight unless you were the rare neopet who dared to venture all the way up to Mount Kuji. There was something magical in the way it effortlessly covered everything from the ceramic roof tops of the palace towers, to the many steps of the Lunar Temple.

by restisunwritten


Have a Mara Christmas
The palace of New Maraqua shone with twinkling lights, powered by cheery holiday magic. Maraquan citizens swam to and fro in the marketplace just outside, gathering their last-minute purchases.

by newenglandquizzer


Getting What You Want for the Holidays
‘Tis the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it?!

by navygreengolf


December Surroundings
The month of celebration is a time to be merry, eat, give, and be together with loved ones. My favorite time of the year is almost upon us and I can't wait to celebrate this festive occasion with everyone.

Also by Greyfever

by yuri445


I Knew I Forget Something
Oh the Marrow...

by nnpower888


Cap-Puns | Bori

by pinglett

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