Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,012,398 Issue: 814 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y20
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by butterflybandage

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A Paint Brush Guide
Choosing a paint brush to paint your Neopet can be a difficult and expensive choice (brushes can cost several million NPs!), and not every Paint Brush is available for every pet.

by myjudem


Yummy: A Box of Chocolate… Petpets!
The first thing you should know about Petpets that appear to be painted Chocolate, is that they aren’t actually “painted” Chocolate.

by rowdy420


The truth behind every regular neopian
Struggles of the neopian life...

This is a collaboration with the user Drabkin

by hatsuomi


No magic
The rainbow pool is broken!

Also by cherie_nicole

by keruza

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