Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,085,190 Issue: 820 | 23rd day of Running, Y20
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The Plushie

by trishabeakens

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Great stories!


The Aisha Twins:Part Three
“So,” Lilly began. “What you are telling me is that we are now even further from our goal of becoming Woodland Aishas, further from the Secret Laboratory Map Piece that we needed, all because you gambled away a quarter of a million neopoints on a stupid slot machine?!

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10 Best ways to gamble your Neopoints in Neopia
10th place: Neopian Lottery. Cost: 2000 NP. You go there every day, buy your twenty tickets and what do you have to show for it?

by maryannyks


Underwater Neopia
Although Neopia is known for its many distinct lands (including even two in outer space), the world of Neopia is actually covered by mostly water!

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Why Jhudora and Illusen Hate Each Other
It was a particularly hot and sunny day on Mystery Island to start the year's Gadgadsbogen festival. The heat was so unbearable, even Taelia the Snow Faerie had removed her winter jacket.

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by diskiss

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