Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,106,233 Issue: 822 | 6th day of Eating, Y20
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Why can't babies fly?

by vic379


     Why can't babies fly? A Baby Uni's story

     One morning of a year not that long ago all Neopian babies gathered to the shadow of a tree that looked suspiciously like the Money Tree if you were to ask me. Here were Baby Kois, Baby Gnorbus, Baby Buzzes every baby you could think of. Diapers, bibs and a little bit of cries, tons of goo and some jam, all what might need babies in order to have fun. The reunion seemed peaceful, they were discussing baby themes such as blankets, pacifiers and milk. Just like the previous reunion, nothing they haven't already seen. There was this certain Baby Uni with a dream, she was just a little baby but her dream was big. Why couldn't little baby pets fly? Just spread their wings and dance in the air. Her dream was so big, so intense and fiercely she wanted, she raised her paw and courage in hand started to talk to them all.


     The sky so blue. The clouds so soft. The air so pure. She was tired of green grass of flowers and rocks, she wanted to reach the sky and dance around the stars. With that thought in mind Baby Uni went to bed and when her eyelids closed and dreamland came she just couldn't avoid going to the place she wanted most. Deep blue with a dusting of silver stars like freckles, some white clouds that looked so much like cotton. She wasn't running, this wasn't the floor. She finally reached the sky, no wings on her back, she was just there like floating in an invisible bubble. This was great. She could go left, she turned right, then upper high across the sky, no limits, nothing holding her. She looked down onto Neopia and all the shops seemed as little as a grain of sand. She wanted to do this everyday, her friends would be so jealous. And just when little Baby Uni was enjoying a little bit too much her dream a bip sounded that woke her up.

     *bip bip bip* The alarm clock was set, the day started now and flying wasn't an option she needed to walk.

     Kicking rocks the whole path she got to the baby reunion a little moody and mad.


     She raised her voice, Why can't we fly? She asked around, her voice sounded girly, gigglish, a cute sound. She told them her dream, her eyes full of hope all babies around almost shared her joy. She started to talk details of the big dream of reaching the skies like all faeries did. She felt free flying, wanted to make it true. Why couldn't she be a Draik with big wings, strongly flying the air? Will they grow and maybe become faeries or were they doomed to be babies forever? Lots of questions for which she had no answer whatsoever. She needed an answer, she needed to know. Why weren't they worried? Flying would give her such joy.

     A Baby Jubjub jumped in, wanted answers as well, how flying would feel? At least someone cared, was the Uni's feel. They needed a plan it couldn't be impossible after all.

     The word spread around, the meeting was over. Baby pets back home, with doubts unresolved. Some of them never thought that flying would be possible, others entertained the possibility and started working. They needed an idea as big as her dream, what to work on? What would make them fly? Babies to the work.

     They gathered materials, a big idea in their baby brains. They would build some wings, will work to make flying a thing.

     With leaves and glue they made two big wings, next baby reunion they'll see how to make them work, attach them to their backs and fly high around. Sounded good, sounded fair they were excited, they would reach the sky. The idea was brilliant the wings looked perfect, big shiny and green. A baby with a purpose is a force to reckon with.

     Next meeting was here, the wings were too heavy. Dissapointed sounds, some sobbing and yelling. Baby Jubjub back to square one, with Baby Uni were the saddest ones. Should they just admit babies weren't to fly? But Baby Uni wanted it so fiercely her cry reached the sky. A green light appeared and babies were shocked what was about to happen would change their lives.

     Illusen in her cloud, whatching over us all, took pity on the babies and descended from the sky.

     What brings you such sorrow? Illusen then said.

     Here came Baby Uni, and explained their plan.

     -We wanted to fly, all up in the sky, go around the clouds, get fun in the air. Like faeries be free, enjoy the fun of flying, we built this green wings but our plan backfired.

     A tear ran down the Baby Uni little cheek, Illusen felt sorry, she was the sweet sister and seeing someone cry made her feel sick. She would help indeed.

     Listen there little Uni, Illusen then said. Listen y'all babies here what I'm about to tell you, being a faerie is serious, you're just babies still, you need to play in order to learn all that you should know and become adult pets. Life isn't just about getting wings you'll learn it in time, I'm sure you will see. Nonetheless I can help you, that's what I came here for. Those leaf wings you made are going to be useful you'll see now. A little bit of potions of different greenish colors and a lot of patience later and Illusen gave the babies what she called a Cloud Racer. Two big green wings attached to it. It shined, was new and all baby pets taking turns could meet their dream, make it true.

     Excited, amazed and a little nervous Baby Uni was first, then came Baby Jubjub, they all had their chance.

     Flying is so cool, Baby Uni said, always chase your dreams don't let them poof into the air.

     Illusen clapped her hands, is always good to help others, all babies gave her a hug, there was happiness all around, they all would celebrate.

     To flying and dreaming all babies there toasted clinking their milk bottles.

     Now babys gather around, under the shadow of a tree, they share food, they share joy and they all wait for their turn to chase clouds high in the sky all of this because once a Baby Uni had a dream and the courage to fullfil it.

     Baby Uni and her Baby Jubjub friend look up in the sky as their friends fly in fun, what would our next plan be the Baby Jubjub asks. We'll take a nap and see where would we be taken by our dreams.

     Next reunion was here and all baby pets gathered, laughter filled the air and while all discussed their new baby topics a little voice raised, it wasn't Baby Uni this time, neither her Baby Jubjub friend but a boy Baby Gnorbu with a new idea to keep them all entertained for a few reunions to come. They all discussed now how could they make it possible, but now it was way easier when you can just take your Cloud Racer, reach the sky and ask for help to your friend the Faerie.

     THE END

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