teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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by catscats365

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Your Friendly Guide to Random Avatars: Part 3
I think it's dangerous to swim after having lunch but maybe that's just me.

Also by hatsuomi.

by drabkin


Quiz: What Cheese Are You?
We all know the drill. You should be pricing your shop stock, cleaning out your inventory, or playing Pyramids to earn that elusive trophy. Instead, you're wasting time reading the Neoboards, browsing articles in the Neopian Times, hanging around the Art Gallery - anything to put off your chores. And then you spot it - the perfect time-waster! It's a quiz called... what cheese are you?!

by ohsounicornly


Contrast: Dinner Time
Talk about poor table manners!

by jojomoonless


Pampered!? Me? Never!!
Keep them moist...

by hunnybunnie

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