Meow Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 831 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y20
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Under the Iron Fist of Dr. Sloth - Ep. I

by xorag

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Best part of Altador Cup
All worth it..

art by: naama_mikeas

by itsbah


The True Ghost Lupe
sweet or sour?

by frenchtoasts


Snaw's Guide to Acting Like a Major Boss NT Star!
I have compiled a list of the most essential qualities of anybody who has ever been accepted into the Neopian Times! Whether it’s one hundred entries or just a single measly one, having the right persona can make any of you wannabe losers into an NT Star worth noticing!

by downrightdude


Hope For New:Part Three
“How did you...Toto….but Melissa…I thought that...” I had so many questions, and I couldn’t finish a single one.

by hazelsmartotop

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