Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,205,513 Issue: 832 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y20
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Dab-ling in the AC

by butterflybandage

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Th reason ths part of the year is not good
My pets don't like the Altador Cup, that's why we never achieve a good rank, and no good prizes :'(

by itsume_tao


Altador Cup Aspirations: Ranking Up
Altador is a place of many, many wonderful things. See some fantastic architecture, browse some long-buried ancient knowledge, sample some fine simply haven't lived until you've experienced your chef fry up an Altadorian cheese platter for you at your table! The inside of the cheese gets delightfully warm and melted, and don't get me started on the hummus. Mm-mm.

Of course, at this time of year, Altadorians only have one thing on their mind...that is, the Altador cup. It's an event centered around competition, honor, glory...and of course, the fantastically rare petpet known as the Yooyu.

by parasitequeen


Neovia's Corruption:Part Three
The rulers of Altador finally reached the famous town of Neovia. Thick fog slowly rolled through the deserted town, sending haunting vibes all around. It made both Altador and Nera uncomfortable. Only the sound of their footsteps filled the air. The silence had grown unbearable for the both of them.

by trishabeakens


A Total Flop
My cup runneth over in all the wrong ways.

(also by minnesotan)

by rooftopchicken

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