The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 195,265,935 Issue: 836 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y20
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Kiko Comics Ep 1

by kahlen369

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What the Altadorian Constellations Mean for You
Who among us hasn’t stared up at the night sky, pointing at the stars and telling stories about the pictures they draw across the heavens?

The twelve Altadorian Constellations have long been a source of awe and wonder for countless citizens around the Neopian globe, but not many know their true significance.

by kayahtik


Vira: A Beautiful Lie
An intoxicating aroma hung freely in the air and settled around the whole field going whichever way the wind happened to blow. Hues of every shade could be seen in this field flowers and blossoms blooming everywhere. Petals traveled with the wind and floated softly in the air. Trees towered over, and sunlight beamed through the emerald leaves of the trees casting a transcendent glow to the ground. Vines curled and twisted with the trees, they wrapped around every branch each bursting with blossoms. A once golden gate, now taken over by time stood and appeared to be one with the vines.

by ivoryangelxo


The Big Move:Part Four

I was excited for this kind of day. I loved visiting my cousins but my favorite cousins were in Roo Island. Ever since Roo Island went through a huge reconstruction to attract more tourists, it’s been a lot more fun to visit and the cousins who lived there were as exciting as the island itself. I would’ve been fine with any family of cousins to visit but I’m happy it was these guys.

by hannahcreep


One Roo on a Shirt
They think it's all over...

by apocalyp2e_arii2en

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