Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,265,935 Issue: 836 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y20
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Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat

It was probably early in the morning, around five-o-clock or so, when I, a Blue Lupe, woke up to the sound of someone loudly banging our front door. I was definitely irritated by it, but I got up as it was not something that I could easily ignore.

by lupe_hunter_7
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Reasons why Cubefish are underappreciated

Summertime is the perfect season to head off to Maraqua for a day of fishing! While there are dozens of species of fish and other marine life that call Maraqua home, the best of all of them is the Cubefish. If you've ever caught a Cubefish while fishing at the Ye Old Fishing Vortex, you probably thought "Oh, look, it's a fish that's cube-shaped", and tossed the fellow back without another thought. Or maybe you've never seen a Cubefish - a shocking thought, really - and now I've piqued your curiosity (muwahaha). Well folks, whether you've never seen a Cubefish before, or love them as much as I do (which is a lot), here are some reasons why Cubefish are absolutely amazing. I'll also include some ways we can appreciate them even more! Reasons Cubefish are the best fish: 1. They're Extremely Space-Efficient Have you ever tried to stack a bushel of Tangellas? What about a bundle of Eyefish? Well it's no surprise that it probably didn't work out so well...just imagine, a food that was actually designed to be stacked! No more worrying about toppling towers or your meal rolling away. The Cubefish is so space-efficient, in fact, they had to put it in the description. Look it up if you don't believe me!

Other Stories


Vira: A Beautiful Lie
An intoxicating aroma hung freely in the air and settled around the whole field going whichever way the wind happened to blow. Hues of every shade could be seen in this field flowers and blossoms blooming everywhere. Petals traveled with the wind and floated softly in the air. Trees towered over, and sunlight beamed through the emerald leaves of the trees casting a transcendent glow to the ground. Vines curled and twisted with the trees, they wrapped around every branch each bursting with blossoms. A once golden gate, now taken over by time stood and appeared to be one with the vines.

by ivoryangelxo


Consolation Prize
Jimmy heaved out a breath, his red paws aching just a little from having climbed the path leading up the temple. He usually prized himself for his stamina, but after his journey, he assumed it was only natural to feel an ache. The long, winding paths were unlike the forests of Mystery Island, where he had lived with other Kougras of his kind. And, back home, there definitely hadn't been any bridges to cross, hanging high above an abyss.

by liezelotte8


Actant's Book Reviews
Hey there NT, my name is Actant and I have read a lot of the books Neopia has to offer. Plenty of pets have come to me asking for recommendations for their next hot summer reads. So I decided to write an article highlighting some of my personal favorites.

by reconcilation


Is Turdle Racing Worth It? A Statistical Analysis
Turdle Racing (TR) in Meridell, the considerably smellier cousin of Poogle Racing, seems to be often overlooked - probably because unlike its Faerieland counterpart, it doesn't have an avatar to its name. However, its lack of glamour doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of recognition!

by unfreeze_divicool72


NT Withdrawals, Pt 1
It's not the weekend without it!

by korbat2_5


The Second-Hand Shoppe
The restrooms are on the other side of the Neopian Plaza...

by psychedelice

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