Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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T3: The 850 Club - Top 35 Trophies for Scoring 850

by talekdolorn



     Welcome, my dear Neopians, to the anniversary edition of Talek’s Trophy Tips. To commemorate the 850th issue of Neopian Times, I have decided to create a special edition dedicated to the “850 Club”: games where a score of 850 points is enough to give you a trophy. While there are over 40 potential games to make the cut, this list features 35 games, ranked according to a number of factors, including difficulty, probability of getting the trophy during reset, game popularity and availability. As a bonus, I also included some small hints and tips to help direct you. Without further ado, let’s get rolling!

          NOTE: Like with other articles in Talek’s Trophy Tips series, this score guide will set you on the path to stand the highest chance of getting a trophy after the monthly trophy score reset. For the most up-to-date month-to-month evolution of the scores, consult TrophyTracker’s petpage.







     Honorary Mention - Shockwave Games:

     Before we start with the list, a couple of games deserve an honorary mention. Namely, certain Shockwave and Life player games, including Attack of the Slorgs, Castle Battles, Dice Escape, Frumball, Gourmet Club Bowls and the Last Blast. The difficulty of running these games (eg. needing a specific browser or an extension) plays a part in the decline in the games’ popularity, leading to half-empty leaderboards on reset day. A score of 850 in either will be enough to get at least a third place trophy on reset, even silver and gold on occasion, provided you can make the games work. Some high score tables remain unpopulated even midway through the month.

     NOTE: In addition to a short description, each game has a difficulty ranking associated with attaining 850 and probabilities of obtaining gold, silver and bronze trophies on reset day, averaged over a 12-month span.


     35. Itchy Invasion

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Relatively Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (42%)

     Well, who here likes cooties? No one, I bet. As a champion of good hygiene, you are tasked with eradicating the microsized threat in Itchy Invasion. The game starts the list, but only barely so: a score of 850 can squeak you into the trophy range, but barely. As such, 850 may be unlikely to give bronze, but considering it requires getting to the last level in the game, there is a high chance you will be scoring even higher.


     34. Ghost Bopper

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (42%)

     Whacking wicked wights is just what the doctor ordered for an inspired Halloween celebration. Yet another game at the far end of the 850 club, which by no means guarantees you a trophy with the respective score. However, reaching 850 in Ghost Bopper will require you reaching at least level 11 (if you are really lucky), but in most cases have you fighting in the final level, which will almost invariably have you score even more.

     An in-depth tutorial for Ghost Bopper to score 850 and more, made by yours truly, is available here: //www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=576714&issue=822.


     33. Caves and Corridors

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (58%)

     Swinging through the vines, evading mystical idol statues, stealing ancient treasures… That’s the everyday life for resident Mystery Island explorer Jake. Caves and Corridors pits you in a race against time to retrieve all the relics and gems you can find in your way. The game is not overly difficult, only needing you to complete just over half the game (7 levels) to reach 850. Curiously, reaching the trophy range is becoming increasingly difficult on reset days, with most of the past six months requiring well over 850 to get bronze, and it might not take long before the game will drop out of the 850 club overall.


     32. Clockwork Codebreaker

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (58%)

     In the echelons of Neopets gaming, the “Exceptional Eight” hold a specific place: get the maximum score possible and get your trophy. Clockwork Codebreaker is one such game: reach a score of 1000, and you will be guaranteed gold. Nevertheless, the easy difficulty of the game and the promise of a champion title has already made it so that most players have this trophy. In turn, even a score of 850 is enough to guarantee a trophy - albeit bronze - on half the reset days.


     31. Island Chef Academy

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Very Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (75%)

     Whoever said the Chef at Mystery Island had an easy job was wrong. With so many mouths to feed, it is no surprise there is a burgeoning need of young budding chefs - and here is where the Island Chef Academy comes into play. For what it’s worth, better skip this game unless you are planning to get good at it. 850 will only net you a trophy over half the time, and you are better off focusing on the easier games on the list. However, if you do indeed get past 850, you will likely end up score 1k-1.5k+, which should keep you long enough to warrant a shiny trophy.


     30. The Usul Suspects

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (75%)

     As if being a babysitter to a bunch of mischievous toddlers is not bad enough, the pesky little Usuls are also set on making your day a nightmare... As part of the Usul Suspects, you control Lumi in her “fight” against countless waves of toddlers. While the game is relatively easy until later levels, 850 - which is usually trophy-worth on reset - you will have to reach Black and Red Usul levels where things get a lot more intense. Just remember - they can’t hit you in the legs!


     29. Cooty Wars

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (92%)

     A visible trend in the list is how many Cooty eradication games there are on it... Nevertheless, Cooty Wars is a different game, pitting Cooty vs. Cooty instead! Cooty Wars is another one of the 850 club, likely to grant you a third-place trophy. To reach 850, you will have to reach level 4 (depending on how good your aim is and how safe you play). As with many other games, you are likely to reach 850 halfway through the level, making your final score a bit higher (and thus, more likely to go up on the HST).

     An in-depth tutorial for Cooty Wars made by yours truly is available: here.


     28. Mootix Drop

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (83%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Any fans of extreme parachuting? Mootix Drop will have you do pirouettes mid-air as you chute your way through hoops with Harry as you aim to land as high a score as you can. While the game’s premise is easy, and the missions of increasing difficulty come in three modes, you will likely not be able to reach 850 before at least medium - and even then only if you go for the small targets with 6x-7x multipliers. Hard is quite a difficult mode to go through and requires as few mistakes as possible - but it will probably net you way over 850 and should guarantee you a trophy.


     27. Hungry Skeith

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Relatively Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (0%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     As if we did not have enough Slushie Slinging in Altador Cup this year! A game similar to Slushie Slinging and Freaky Factory combined, Hungry Skeith will have you try to satiate a starving sloth. While the difficulty of this game is very subjective, largely based on your mechanical skills, it is still considerably easier to most other 850 club members. 850 should be reachable around midway through level 8 (40 items). Scoring over 1000 will also give you an avatar - potentially enticing you try and take that extra step to reach it.



     26. Tubular Kiko Racing

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (8%) / Bronze (92%)

     Time to go kayaking… Well, not quite. Tubular Kiko Racing has you go through three levels of increasing complexity, as you paddle downstream passing shrinking gates and collecting various objects. A score of 850 is predominantly only reachable in level 3, so you will have to make sure you do your best to get there. My suggestion - save your lives, pick up the invulnerability power-ups when possible and rain fire on your attackers! It is pretty much a given you will be awarded a bronze for your efforts, and may even go one step further if you are lucky.



     25. Jungle Raiders

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (8%) / Bronze (100%)

     Yet another vine-swinging game, this time Jungle Raiders puts you in the boots of a Mynci explorer. While the game features a maximum score which usually features at the top of the leaderboards, you do not need to complete the game to reach 850. Getting 850 requires you to get to the first quarter of level 3, and if you just survive and collect everything along the way, you should be well off on your way to accomplishing it. Trophy-wise, even a week into the month, 850 should be enough to land bronze, and sometimes would be enough for silver on day 1.



     24. Jolly Jugglers

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (17%) / Bronze (92%)

     Another platformer to join the fray, Jolly Jugglers pits the twin chias against waves of petpets as they climb the “tower”. The game’s scoring mechanism is reliant on how many bonus point drops you receive from the petpets eliminated. 850 might not be the highest of scores, but it will suffice for bronze. But do not expect it to hold up deep into the month. As it is a farming game, make sure to save your lives for later levels to farm as many points as possible: eliminate, fail, restart level, rinse and repeat. Even without farming, reaching the boss level should be enough for 850.



     23. Warf Rescue Team

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (33%) / Bronze (100%)

     A poor kitty is trapped in a tree? Never fear, the Warf Rescue Team is here! The game has you pile Warfs on top of each other to reach the Kadoaties trapped on this never-ending sky-high tree. In principle, it is a very simple farming game that only requires time and focus to get to 850. There are many strategies available, but one as simple as shooting 3-4 Warfs in quick succession should be good enough to reach 850 (which normally takes around half an hour). The trophy scores fluctuate a bit, but you have a solid chance at obtaining third and even second place. Then again, if you have gone and put all that effort this far, may as well double-triple it for a gold spot.



     22. Tyrannian Mini Golf

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Very Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (42%) / Bronze (100%)

     Tyrannian Mini Golf is one of the hardest games in the bronze section of the 850 club, reliant on remembering paths and pixel-perfect aiming. While it will 100% guarantee you a bronze, reaching 850 is no mean feat. You will have to play through the entire course and hit the hole in one shot in at least 6 levels, or two-shot a level for each of the 6 missed. While levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 and 12 can be mastered to consistently score the max, you will still have to learn to outmaneuver the rest. Remember to use TPOSG as your golfer and the wooden ball.

     A quick guide made by yours truly is available: here.



     21. Fetch

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (50%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     One of the few non-Flash games in the 850 club, Fetch tasks you with navigating a spooky, complex maze to retrieve a lost item. The game offers you 5 different difficulties - 2 of which are locked until you reach 1000 and 2000 points respectively. Conversely to many other games, Fetch itself is more difficult a game than it takes to reach 850. Your score is accrued as you complete levels, so as long as you do not fail. As such, the game enables you to reach the score of 850 in many different ways: completing a ‘Fiendish’ level once (theoretically, you will have already reached 1000 by this point), or completing the easier levels over and over.



     20. Wheeler’s Wild Ride

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (50%) / Bronze (100%)

     Ride a bike, perform tricks, all the while collecting and keeping coconuts intact? Game on! Wheeler’s Wild Ride is not a particularly popular game, despite being a farming game. Neither is it an easy one, requiring some strategising to maximise the point output for performing tricks. While score often range into the thousands, those in the vicinity of 850 are usually more than enough to give you bronze. Theoretically, you do not need to advance far in terms of levels, rather restarting/failing the level you are on without losing too many coconuts at a time. Point multipliers enable you to earn points ranging from a few dozen to a few hundred when combined.



     19. Gwyl’s Great Escape

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Relatively Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (67%) / Bronze (100%)

     From climbing sky-high to navigating the depths, Gwyl takes you on a journey through underground mines, as you scramble for a way out. While the game requires precise manipulation of the balloon, it is largely a slow-paced game, making for a relatively easy trek. Completing at least 7 levels should put you in line for 850, depending on your time bonus accrued (shhh… Make sure you don’t tell anyone, but use the hidden bonus level to get extra points and reach the score faster!). 850 will be enough to give you bronze likely up until the middle of the month, and silver on reset.



     18. Kreludan Mining Corp

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (83%) / Bronze (100%)

     As unpopular as far from Neopia it is based, Kreludan Mining Corp is one of the more difficult games in the 850 club. That said, its time out of the limelight has enabled many promising trophy collectors to sink their teeth in it and obtain a trophy. Regardless, maneuvering the spaceship and the treasure is a complicated endeavor, and so is collecting the bonus points required to reach 850. Even if you perfect the start of the game, with all the bonus points available (remember to shoot the top left corner on level one ;)), you will need to reach at least level 3-1 (Mine Shaft) for 850 - and a prospective shiny.



     17. Zurroball

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (0%) / Silver (75%) / Bronze (100%)

     Let it go! Let it go! Well, no, do NOT let it go. That is the only rule in Zurroball: keep the ball in the air and do not let go. While the premise is super simple, it is not as easy to do! In order to get 850, you will have to click the ball 850 times OR combine the various tricks available to reach it (a strategic decision would be to pick the basic Zurro or whichever you are comfortable with and getting close to the wall so you can bounce for 3 points a time you hit the wall in between consecutive clicks). As can be seen from the data, a score of 850 is a near-guarantee for a silver on reset. Make sure to keep calm at all times and make it as easy for yourself as possible.




     18. Mynci Beach Volleyball

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (8%) / Silver (67%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     What is a mandatory part of a lazy holiday by the sea? Correct! Beach Volleyball! This Mynci-themed two-player endeavor has you try and score as many points as you can without a reply. With 170 points up for grabs in each level, and a 250 bonus at the end, a score of 850 can be reached by just perfectly blitzing through the first 5 levels of the game. Doing so, however, is hard, and you are more than welcome to make use of the bonus at the end to reach it. Likewise, you may use the point-farming technique of keeping your opponent at match point. 850 will be enough to get on the high score table on most occasions. What’s more, this game has an avatar available for 800 points - just short of the 850 - which will be a welcome bonus in addition to the trophy.




     15. Escape from Meridell Castle

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (8%) / Silver (75%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Ah, one of the deepest platforming challenges on Neopets - Escape from Meridell Castle. As Valrigard, you cut your way through hordes of enemies and collect points. There are multiple tactics to reaching 850 - including restarting until you get 100 from question mark boxes, replaying levels with easily accessible stars (level 6), lots of enemies (level 8) or both (level 12). While 850 is superfluous to the avatar score required (just getting into top50 is enough, usually for 300-400 points), EFMC is still an avatar game, and adds that little bit of umph when you get an avatar in addition to the trophy, which during reset has a high chance of sparkling silver.




     14. Grand Theft Ummagine

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (17%) / Silver (92%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Grand Theft Ummagine is yet another one of the “Exceptional Eight”, where the already-high amount of gold trophy holders allows lesser scores to achieve more. Past 12-month averages show that 850 is more than enough to guarantee silver and bronze, and sometimes suffices for gold. Granted, both reaching 850 and getting the avatar at 1150 at 300 more points is a relatively easy endeavor. Just make sure you are sneaky enough to do it.




     13. Raiders of Maraqua

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (17%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Achieve two goals in one go? You got it! Navigating the bubbly maze in Raiders of Maraqua to a score of 850 will both guarantee a trophy (even mid-month!), but also the avatar for 800. ROM is a farming game ultimately, and you do not need to complete the game to achieve it - getting to level 14 and farming bubbles on it for extra points is key! There are a few tricky levels in between, so memorising level layouts will help wonders. But once you get to 14, only patience separates you from 850 and the coveted memento.




     12. Grumpy Old King

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Excruciatingly Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (100%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Who does not need a good laugh? What’s more, who does not want a trophy - and an avatar - for making someone laugh. Surely that’s a bargain. Well, don’t take things at face value. It is already EXTREMELY hard and rare to be able to get above 750 points, by only having two tries per day, but also 850 is one of the highest scores that you can possibly randomly get, which makes all the more difficult to reach.




     11. Wise Old King

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Excruciatingly Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (100%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     King Hagan would probably be mad being second best to his brother, but the old sage takes the higher spot due to only being available to meet once per day, making the likelihood of reaching 850 even lower. It may take years upon years of trying to finally get the old crone to relent and give you as high a score - if ever.


     (Editor’s Note: Now that we have covered all the 25 games and reached the top 10, there is a new spin. The top 10 will not only take the reset trophy probabilities into the account in the order, but also factor the likelihood of reaching the score, the value of reaching it, as well the umph factor for reaching it. Read on to see what games make the cut!)





     10. Attack of the Marblemen

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Medium

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (50%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Attack of the Marblemen is one of those games where memorising patterns and replicating them over and over will improve your score. Despite its relatively easy premise, scoring 850 will take some effort and will not guarantee you that coveted champion trophy. Based on the past twelve months, 850 has only a 50% chance of giving you gold on reset day. That said, it will be more than enough to guarantees you bronze and silver, and with some luck - and with a 12-month average of 730+ required to get the highest spot - it may be enough for gold. Now, go get those coins!




     9. Snowball Fight

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (50%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Winter season is here and young Neopets are out to frolic in the snow. But sometimes, snowball fights turn really competitive and intense… In the case of this game, 850 is a borderline guaranteed gold trophy. However, you will have to work really hard to get there. The game goes into overdrive past 600 (and, especially, 700) points, so be sure to stock up on those snowballs by knocking the parachuting power ups down. Remember - find a gap where the power up might land and only try to aim your shot when you see some Faeries on the other side of the screen. Otherwise, they might crash your chances.




     8. The Great Desert Race

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Easy

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (92%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Who says the first to reach the finish wins the race? Easily the easiest (see what I did there?) gold trophy to achieve within the 850 club. The quasi-multiplayer board game is one of the simplest point-farming games available, and achieving 850 and beyond only takes a bit of time and preparation. Position your second character correctly towards the end of the board, and use your main character for navigating across the board and collecting points. Scoring 850 will definitely get you a trophy even partway through the month.




     7. Sophie’s Stew

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Very Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (100%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Everyone likes a good meal. Resident witch Sophie’s stew-making process is an arduous one - and she requires your help. That is not to say that makes it any easier with the two of you, particularly if you aim to reach a score of 850 in the process. While the score is pretty much a given to guarantee you gold at reset - and likely, any point throughout the month - few players ever reach the score, making the path towards it supremely difficult. Instead, a lower score will be more than enough to help you reach the top Reset Trophy Probability.




     6. Snowbeast Snackrifice

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (75%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Snowbeast Snackrifice is one of the more gruesome games on Neopets, having you feed those poor petpets to the predator. Nevertheless, reset is considerably less daunting than it used to be. Past data shows 850 will be more than enough to get you a gold on most reset days - and frankly, it is much better than the 1700+ scores you required in the olden days. Instead of spamming pets left and right, try to master timing perfect fully-powered-up kicks so you are always in the bonus mode where you can spam them freely.




     5. AAA’s Revenge

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Excruciatingly Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (83%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes* (currently unavailable)

     AAA’s Revenge was one of the last games to be released, but its steep difficulty curve kept it relatively unpopular. A score of 850 will get you a trophy regardless of the time of the month. However, be prepared to put in effort to reach it, as scores as low as 100 (and lower!) are often enough to get you a trophy on reset day. If you can land a score of 850, might as well put in the extra mile to get to 1000 and get that coveted avatar. However, as it currently stands, the avatar is not available, so a trophy - and a visibly annoyed Roothless - will have to suffice.




     4. Gormball

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Very Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (92%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     Ah, the good old kindergarten “hot potato” game. Gormball might be the sole non-Flash game within the top 10, but it sure makes up for it with its difficulty. While, in concept, it is very easy - ”hold the Gormball just long enough for it not explode” - reaching 850 takes time, patience - and luck. You will need at least 213 points before winning the game with the 4x multiplier. The score is a surefire way to get to the champion slot on reset, and will likely hold during the first week. What’s more - winning a game of Gormball will net you an avatar as a nice bonus. Just remember to keep your score outside of that dangerous 16-32 zone.




     3. Toybox Escape

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Excruciatingly Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (100%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: No

     Toybox Escape is not particularly hard to learn, but it sure is difficult to grandmaster. In principle, Toybox Escape is a similar to game to Attack of the Marblemen: memorizing paths, developing strategy and clicking the pet ability at the right time to make a move. Like its counterpart, Toybox allows you to skip levels and perfect your strategy before going for gold. However, obtaining 850 is a very difficult endeavor and only the best of the best will ever achieve it. Even those who fall shall be rewarded, as trophy scores generally require a few dozen to a few hundred points less.




     2. Advert Attack

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Very Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (99.9%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     What can be better? A champion status and a coveted game avatar on top of it. Also, you are doing the world a service by getting rid of ads (though we all know it’s moot)! A score of 850 in Ad Attack will likely bring you the gold trophy even halfway through the month. However, there is a caveat - getting 850 is VERY HARD. You will have to complete all 10 levels in the game, averaging 35 bonus points per level. Ads will become increasingly obnoxious and difficult to cross off as you progress, making it difficult to reach that 850. The score is also beyond the review range, so it will be very difficult to time it to be reviewed for reset day. But the sense of the achievement will more than make up for it.




     1. Carnival of Terror

     Difficulty of Getting 850: Excruciatingly Hard

     Reset Trophy Probability: Gold (100%) / Silver (100%) / Bronze (100%)

     Avatar Available: Yes

     There is quite nothing like going to a deserted fairground at night time to face an onslaught of robot clowns determined to pie you out of existence. But the promise of an avatar and a trophy is sure to lure you in. With a score of 700 required for the avatar, and 800+ points guaranteeing gold in nearly all the cases, it might seem like the perfect game to commemorate this occasion. Do not be fooled though - 850 is excruciatingly hard to reach and will require an extraorbitant amount of luck with ammo boxes and extra time power-ups. If you are one of the few capable of reaching 850, kudos and well-deserved - you are pretty much guaranteed a gold at any point in time!

     Defenders of Neopia should definitely consider hiring you…

          End Note

     Thank you for taking the time to read this wondrous little article. Hopefully it will make it easier for budding trophy hunters to know what to aim for just in time for this special issue - or the upcoming reset. And now, I wish you happy hunting!


     Ever wondered how to get that shiny golden trophy? Or chase up that elusive avatar? With guides abound, it has never been easier to get trophies. Everyone’s writing down tips, but you still can’t wrap your head around it? Talek will take you down the path towards the gamer superstardom. Follow this series of “Talek’s Trophy Tips”, and every few months I will present you with a new tutorial how to make it to the top of the scoreboard. Neomail me and I will consider including the game in an upcoming article for Talek’s Trophy Tips.

     Other guides in the series include:

      - Cooty Wars

      - S.M.E.L.T.

      - Ghost Bopper

      - Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure

      - Search for Princess Lunara, Ultimate Bullseye II and Tyrannian Mini Golf

      - Spellseeker

     Special thank you to Sabre, and his TrophyTracker petpage, for keeping track of all the scores across the year.


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