Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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Continued Series

The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Seven

With freedom comes responsibility.

by k3l26
The Heart of Spring:Part Five

I stared at the ruki, my mouth hanging open like a goldy. “H-how did you know about the magic of seasons?”

by ketchup547
The Board Game Master:Part Two

Previously in The Board Game Master...

We met our main protagonist, an Eventide Blumaroo from Roo Island named Roobina. She was an incredibly cunning and skilled strategist who loved games that required logic, deception, and strategy.

by smoothie_king_xiii

Zur’s Zombie Roomate:Part Four


by skittleskit09
I'm a Faerie in a Bottle:Part Three

Our adventurers had just escaped from a herd of raging Tapiras on the back of newly visible Tuceets and landed on Mystery Island.

co-written with ___popo___

by grimmbones7

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"A Queen's Ascension - War" by dudeiloled
Queen Sankara stood on the balcony of her room, feeling the cool breeze whip itself around her, causing her dark hair to dance wildly. It was another beautiful day in Sakhmet. But the days were always beautiful now that she was Sakhmet’s queen. She had not bothered with a fancy coronation – such frivolous activities were not her style. Instead, there had been an announcement of her brother’s death from a previously secret long-term illness, and her immediate succession. She had been crowned privately by one of the senators in the throne room, with only a few witnesses. The whole process had only taken a couple of days, and now her brother was sleeping eternally in the royal tomb, only one room away from Amira. Ironic, really. She remembered the day like it was yesterday – it was hard to believe she had actually been queen for three months now. She had left her brother’s royal apartments (the ones she now slept in) the night before his death, having had a celebratory feast and drink with him.

Other Stories


Sleepy Head
The land of Neopia has many worlds with exotic foods, different stories and adventures to tell, but there is only one world where you can make your own story for a short period of time.

by abinorm05


850 Days Later
The sky was playing a symphony of magical colors that night, notes of muted purples sang their way through harmonies of deep blues while dazzling greens reverberated in between. The cool colors sang soft promises high above the horizon, beckoning the passion of the warm yellows and oranges still clinging to the setting sun to fade away.

by the_gecko_dude_ii


The Mega-Super-Hyper-Fantastic All-Neopian Quiz!!
Think you’re a real whizz when it comes to Neopian general knowledge? Been a player for a long time and think you know it all? To celebrate the 850th issue of the Neopian times take this MEGA 85-question Neopian quiz and test your true Neopian knowledge!!

by phoned


85 Reasons for 850 Issues - Why We Love The NT!
There are many things that we love about the Neopian Times! The very fact that it has continue to 850 issues shows just that! But to celebrate, I have compiled a list of 85 things that we love about the Neopian Times!

by carmen_lee123


Tails From: Weewoo Origins
Back to the beginning. Happy 850 issues!

by winters_footsteps


Weewon't or Weewill?
Why do I do this to myself...

by liezelotte8

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