Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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Beware of darigan weewoos...

by jacquelineramrez

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No corners, no worries
I'm tired...maybe i don't want to fix things today..

Also by kazemas.

by sergente__hartmann


850 Days Later
The sky was playing a symphony of magical colors that night, notes of muted purples sang their way through harmonies of deep blues while dazzling greens reverberated in between. The cool colors sang soft promises high above the horizon, beckoning the passion of the warm yellows and oranges still clinging to the setting sun to fade away.

by the_gecko_dude_ii


Blasting off to issue 850!
And Blast off!

*Also by aephigaming*

by annnoel


850 Years Frozen In Ice
Deep in Terror Mountains there lay hundreds of beasts, some friendly and some foes. It is a place long-forgotten by explorers, and home to potentially undiscovered Neopet and Petpet species.

Also by suchrob

by pixeldream

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