Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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Special 850- The Debate of Neopia's Most Majestic

by semmy_genius

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Mission 850 - Part 2

by pokemon_master_a74


850 Years Frozen In Ice
Deep in Terror Mountains there lay hundreds of beasts, some friendly and some foes. It is a place long-forgotten by explorers, and home to potentially undiscovered Neopet and Petpet species.

Also by suchrob

by pixeldream


The Weewoo Keeper and the Sea
This is my short story submission for the 850th issue of the NT! This story has a personal, very short dedication at its end for my grandmother Patricia.

by miraday


Petpet Regulations #850
"No petpets were harmed in this comic, only celebrated."

Storyboard by blink_darkphoenix

by raiane_flarean_1

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