Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,409,577 Issue: 851 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y20
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Neopian Sing-Along: Holiday Jingle Edition

by panphobia


    Neopian Sing-Along: Holiday Jingle Edition

    By panphobia and golden_power3

    The Month of Celebrating is here, and Neopets all across Neopia are abuzz with excitement for the holiday season! Generously bestowing gifts upon Neofriends, playing thrilling winter games, and receiving free prizes every day from the Advent Calendar—what’s not to love about the last month of the year? Our favorite Month of Celebrating activity is spreading musical love and cheer through caroling. That’s right, even Neopia has holiday jingles! The gift of music is a wonderful way to express joy and friendship on the Day of Giving. While there are so many great Neopian holiday tunes to choose from (you know, like the ever popular “O Come, All Ye Faeries” or the smash hit “I Saw Fyora Kissing Doctor Sloth”), we deliberated for days on end to choose our top three very favorite Day of Giving songs. Now, we want to share them with all of Neopia in this very public performance. Feel free to sing along if the holiday spirit so moves you!

    *sits down at piano, cracks knuckles, and clears throat*


    Now, as you’ll probably remember if you’ve been around since Y15, this first number was made popular by the Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland. Even if you weren’t around Neopia back then, we’re pretty sure that you probably know this song since it’s really the only tune that the Weewoos seem to know. Nonetheless, it’s a holiday favorite for Weewoos and Neopians alike, so we’re going to sing it with you here today. Here we go… 1, 2, 3, 4!

    1. “Rudolf the Selfish Raindorf” (sung to the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)

    You know Kooky and Plumpy

    And Jimmi and Woogy,

    Turmy and Snowy

    And Dieter and Gwyl…

    But do you recall the most famous petpet of all?

    Rudolf the Selfish Raindorf

    Loved to bound through the snow drift,

    But on the Day of Giving,

    Never gave a single gift.

    All of the other petpets

    Gave presents and handmade cards.

    Rudolph just ignored their gestures,

    For others, he had no regard.

    Then one snowy Giving Day,

    Rudolph looked around.

    No one got him any gifts,

    And it made him feel low-down.

    Now Rudolph loves gift-giving,

    This story has a happy end.

    He realized what’s important—

    Sharing love and joy with friends!


    Wow, you all sound great! Now, you might know this next song from its inclusion on the most recent album released by the (in)famous Singing Meepit Trio... (don't believe those lies about the group planning to take over the world through their music! No hypnosis found here, folks!) Hit it!

    2. “Winter Terror Mount” (sung to the tune of “Winter Wonderland”)

    Snowager snores, are you listening?

    In the Caves, Ice is glistening.

    We’re munching on snow, ice crystals aglow,

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount.

    Bruces sing while ice skating,

    Your advent gift’s a-waiting,

    So have some ice cream, this Valley’s a dream,

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount.

    In December, there’s the Winter Starlight,

    A Celebration loved by every pet!

    You can hang your stockings by the fire,

    And spend so much NC you’ll be in debt!

    Later on, we’ll play Snow Wars,

    Win Snowballs, enjoy the outdoors,

    Visit Tarla’s Shop on the Mountain Top,

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount.

    In December, there’s the Winter Starlight,

    A Celebration loved by every pet!

    You can hang your stockings by the fire,

    And spend so much NC you’ll be in debt!

    New site theme, ‘Tis the Season,

    TNT’s really pleasin’,

    Spreading love and cheer, the holidays are here,

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount.

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount.

    Walking ‘round a winter Terror Mount!


    Great job, everyone. You’re really sounding ready to do some caroling on your own soon! If you want to know more about singing, we recommend two books—Faerie Music Sing-Along and Learning To Sing Notes. These are the books that all aspiring singer-Neopians study when first learning their scales and solfege. Now, before you go, lets sing one more holiday favorite together!

    3. “Twelve Days of Giving” (sung to the tune of “Twelve Days of Christmas”)

    On the first Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the second Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the third Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the fourth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the fifth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the sixth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the seventh Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the eighth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Eight Kaus-a-milking, seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the ninth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: nine Mortogs-a-leaping,

    Eight Kaus-a-milking, seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the tenth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Ten Faeries racing, nine Mortogs-a-leaping,

    Eight Kaus-a-milking, seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the eleventh Day of Giving, TNT gave to me: eleven Pipers Panicking,

    Ten Faeries racing, nine Mortogs-a-leaping,

    Eight Kaus-a-milking, seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!

    On the twelfth Day of Giving, TNT gave to me:

    Twelve Grarrls drumming, eleven Pipers Panicking,

    Ten Faeries racing, nine Mortogs-a-leaping,

    Eight Kaus-a-milking, seven Kois-a-swimming,

    Six Draiks-a-laying, fiiiiive golden Nerkmids!

    Four buzzing Buzz, three French Flies,

    Two Turdle Plushies, and a Pteri from the Money Tree!


    Awesome job, and thanks for joining our holiday jingle sing-along! We hope that our Day of Giving music has put you in the mood to spread joy, love, and cheer all through the Month of Celebrating and beyond. Wishing you a very merry Day of Giving and a happy Neopian New Year!

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