Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,409,577 Issue: 851 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y20
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A World Of Grandiose Creature

Our lovely planet of Neopia was formed thousands of years ago. The deepest history we have been able to obtain shows that the planet was once covered in a toxic gas.

by luuuvmebabe
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"The True Meaning of the Holiday Season" by _brainchild_
Christmas morning had arrived, and Walda the Baby Kacheek felt a rush of excitement when she dashed down the stairs and saw presents with her name on them. Her sisters were sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and eagerly waiting for her to open them. She grabbed the first box and ripped off the shiny wrapping paper. A stunning, wide-eyed doll was staring back at her. However, Walda still managed a frown. “This is the WRONG ONE!” she yelled grumpily. “I already HAVE this one!” “Then we’ll return it and get the right one,” suggested Chessella, her older sister. Walda wasn’t listening; her attention was already focused on the next present. She opened the box and started whining again. “These crayons aren’t GLITTER crayons!” she complained. “I asked for GLITTER!”Another sister, Chessangie, nudged Chessella. “Why’d you get her all the wrong gifts?” the former asked. “I can’t read her writing! She’s so young that she’s still learning how to write!” “Stop being a brat,” grumbled Maldice, Walda’s other sister. Walda had no time for reprimands. She tore open another box and found a bag of sugary gumdrops instead. “I WANTED CHOCOLATE! WAAAHHH!”

Other Stories


A Rink Runner's Tale
It was a cold day in Happy Valley, not unlike many others this time of year. A layer of sparkly white snow covered the ground. Snowflakes flittered in the soft breeze and landed gently on the ground.

by unfogging


The True Meaning of the Holiday Season
Christmas morning had arrived, and Walda the Baby Kacheek felt a rush of excitement when she dashed down the stairs and saw presents with her name on them.

by _brainchild_


85 Things to do this Winter Season
The snow is falling, temperatures are dropping, and there’s a spirit of celebration in the year. That’s right, it’s wintertime! A time for relaxing, giving, and celebrating with friends and family.

by berzerkturtlez


10 Festive Items to Get You in the Christmas Spirit
It’s that time of year again. The snow is finally falling again, the Advent Calendar has given out tons of delightful gifts, and carols ring throughout the air.

Also by Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

by breakeven


It's that time of the year again
Be careful to not miss a day of Advent Calendar!

by lucas_batista_7


Royal Oddness: Holiday Edition
That snowballed quickly.

Also by mistyqee

by winner19955

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