The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 195,492,597 Issue: 855 | 8th day of Awakening, Y21
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The Real (Painful) Deal

by umbrex

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Smashing addition to any ensemble

by _gizmo_stern_


The Treasure of Smuggler's Cove
Clyf, a pirate Krawk, laughed heartily, taking another swig of grog. His face was flushed with happiness. Him and his crew were sitting at The Golden Dubloon, basking in the glory of another day of piracy.

by unfogging


Getting Help On Your Faerie Quest!
We've all been there, browsing the site or playing our hundredth game of Pyramids trying to win two in a row, when a generous faerie swoops down and gives us a quest to complete! It's so nice of her to offer, and you really want to complete it, but when you run over to the Shop Wizard to find your item he tells you he can't help you!? What!?!? That's right, when you receive a faerie quest you are not able to search for the item on the Shop Wizard, or even the Super Shop Wizard. You'll have to work a little harder to obtain that item, but it is worth the effort.

by pixeldream


A World Of Grandiose Creature:Part Five
After my success meeting Sutek, the famous leader of the Gebs in the ancient Lost Desert, I set out for my biggest mission yet.

by luuuvmebabe

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