Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... |
Circulation: 195,755,418 |
Issue: 874 | 9th day of Hiding, Y21 |
Not again by aweber
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I Pulled the Lever of Doom 46 Times for Research There is, upon the Virtupets Space Station, a robot hand. Well, first there is a lever, and then there is the pulling of the lever, and then there is the robot hand. What does it want, this swift robotic hand that brushes mine on its way to my wallet? It wants neopoints, yes, but more than that. It is the Lever of Doom, so they say. Me, I prefer to call it the Lever of Brilliance.
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The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Eight Jacenty turned in the direction of the noise behind him, made by two robotic feet pounding against the metal coating on one of the pillars. He saw Halloy furiously flapping his wings and trying to push his clay body off of the tree’s trunk, but he wasn’t making much progress.
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