Meow Circulation: 195,884,288 Issue: 882 | 1st day of Storing, Y21
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Halloween at the Deserted Fairgrounds

by bubbles150


     “Wow! Check it out. The Deserted Fairgrounds has a Halloween theme tonight” a blue Lutari dressed in a Daring Sea Captain Trousers, Daring Sea Captain Coat, Elegant Gear Boots, Apple Bobbing Cane and Freshly Wet Wig said to a white Xweetok as he looked at all the Halloween decorations at the Deserted Fairgrounds. “And everyone here is wearing their own Halloween costume, this is just so cool” the Blue Lutari exclaimed joyfully. Standing on the ground next to him was a Lutra named Renee and a Veespa called Mina.

     “Thank you for inviting us along, Tyzlant. I’d normally be sitting at home reading stories to my Naalala, Raine. Coming out here is worth it” a white Xweetok said. The white Xweetok was wearing a Barbat Costume, Battle Scar Marking, Space Gypsy Xweetok Gloves, Earrings of Barbat, Black and Red Stripe Stockings and Shoes and held a Basket of Apples in her left hand. Her Petpet a Naalala named Raine was sitting on the apples looking around at everything in excitement.

     “Glad you both could come. Now we need to find the others, Edimira, Ru and Oira. They said they’d meet us near Test Your Strength” Tyzlant said with a smile and started walking towards where Test Your Strength is. Acuarina and Raine followed Tyzlant, Renee and Mina, looking at all the Neopets dressed in their Halloween costumes.

     Acuarina noticed a Cybunny was dressed as Hubrid Nox and a Chia dressed like Jhudora. “This is just so cool,” Acuarina said in admiration as they walked together looking for their friends and watching many Neopets go about with their business at the Deserted Fairgrounds.

     It took them a while to get to Test Your Strength, and when they did, they met up with Edimira, Ru and Oira with their Petpets and Petpetpets. Edimira was dressed in a Jhudora Wig, Fancy Pink Gown, Jhudora Wings, Jhudoras Fingernails, Cobweb Shoes and was holding a Chocolate Bar Handbag. Her Petpet, Magic and Petpetpet, Ire were inside the Handbag chatting excitedly to one another.

     Ru was wearing Space Pirate Xweetok Trousers, Combatant Wig, Space Pirate Xweetok Shirt, Laid Back Xweetok Jacket, Lace Tweed Xweetok Gloves, Lace Tweed Xweetok Shoes, Pirate Xweetok Scar and a Blue and White Striped Beach Bag. His Petpet, a Filamen named Stu floated near him, watching as everyone walked about. Oira just went as himself as he found most of the clothes a bit too big for him being an Un-Converted Baby Kougra. He did however, carry a Negg Faerie Handbag which had his Meepit, Iora and Breebly, Rai sleeping inside of it.

     “Hi guys” Acuarina said excitedly looking at Ru, Edimira and Oira.

     “Hi everyone. Are we ready to go Trick or Treating? I think it’s so cool that each Neopet who runs the attractions are dressed as a Robot Clown Chia. Arnold, the Mynci at Test Your Strength looks amazing as one” Edimira said looking at Tyzlant, Renee, Mina, Acuarina and Raine.

     “I’m ready when you are! I can’t wait to see what we get. Where should we start?” Tyzlant said as he looked around the Desert Fairgrounds from where he was standing.

     “We should start at Test Your Strength then work our way around and go to Castle Nox last” Ru suggested.

     Edimira, Acuarina, Tyzlant and Oira nodded in agreement. “We’ll do that then, and play the games” Tyzlant said with a grin.

     “Would we get a turn?” Iora asked she had just woken up and heard Test Your Strength being mentioned. She was eager to try it out even though she was small. Rai was still sleeping.

     “Of course, everyone can join in the fun” Oira answered smiling to her.

     The five Neopets and their Petpets and Petpetpets lined up for Test Your Strength. There were a few ahead doing trick or treating and playing the game.

     It was soon their turn and Ru went first. “Trick or treat and I’d love a turn at Test Your Strength, please” he said smiling to the Mynci.

     “That’s 100 NeoPoints” Arnold said. Ru paid Arnold the 100 Neopoints, Arnold gave him the mallet. “Swing the Mullet and see how strong you really are!” Arnold told Ru who nodded.

     Ru hit the mullet as hard as he could on the red button and watched a red light lit up the score board. His only went to Useless. Ru laughed at the result.

     “Congratulations you win a Spooky Shake and because it’s Halloween, you get one Bag of Halloween Sweets” Arnold said and gave the Blue Xweetok his prizes.

     “Thank you, Arnold. Did you want to have a turn, Stu?” Arnold said then looked at his Petpet.

     “No thanks but it looked fun at the same time” Stu answered.

     Oira and Iora were next and they paid their fee. Rai just awoke and watched; he’d join but he was a little bit too small to hold a mallet. Iora held onto Oira’s wrist tightly as Oira hit the mallet as hard as he can on the red button. Their score landed on pathetic, both of them burst into laughter.

     “Congratulations you win a Baby Fireball Lamp and because it’s Halloween, you get one Bag of Halloween Sweets” Arnold said and handed the prizes over to Oira.

     Edimira and Magic were next, Ire just floated above them to watch the results. Magic held onto Edimira’s wrist just like Iora did with Oira. Edimira hit mallet as hard as she could on the red button and giggled when she saw they landed on Weakling.

     “Congratulations you win a Brainburger and because it’s Halloween, you get one bag of Halloween Sweets” Arnold said and handed the prizes to Edimira.

     Acuarina was next but Raine was a bit too scared to hold onto her wrist like the other Petpet’s had done so she stayed close to Acuarina and watched. Acuarina hit the mallet as hard as she could on the red button and was surprised and excited when it landed on Mighty and expected to get a Halloween Paint Brush.

     “Congratulations you win a Slime Sundae and because it’s Halloween, you get one Bag of Halloween Sweets” Arnold said and gave the Xweetok her prizes.

     Tyzlant and Renee’s turn was next. Renee felt nervous but excited at the same time when Arnold gave them the mallet. She climbed onto Tyzlant’s wrist and held tightly onto him. Tyzlant hit the red button with the mallet as hard as he could and was excited hwen he landed on Strong.

     Edimira, Ru, Oira and Acuarina stared at Tyzlant and expected him to get the top prize, thinking that Strong was the Jackpot.

     “Congratulations you win a Meowclops Pillow and because it’s Halloween, you get one Bag of Halloween Candy” Arnold said giving Tyzlant the prizes. While Tyzlant got the prizes, Acuarina decided to try her Slime Sundae.

     ‘Surely this isn’t really made out of slime’ Acuarina thought as she took a sip of her Slime Sundae. The Slime tasted gross to her and pulled a face in disgust but at the same time, she didn’t agree with waste and decided to gradually drink it. “Yuck! This stuff is gross. What’s your Spooky Shake like, Ru?” she asked.

     “You know, I didn’t try it. It sure looks nice” Ru said and took a sip of his Spooky Shake. “Yum! It has pumpkin in it. Is your Sundae really made out of Slime?” he asked.

     “I think so. It’s so gross” Acuarina answered.

     “Could I try some please, Acuarina?” Raine asked. Acuarina nodded and let her Naalala have a drink of it.

     “It reminds me of lime, I like it” Raine said with a smile.

     “You can have it then. I’ll get something else when I have a chance to” Acuarina told her. Raine thanked and hugged Acuarina and finished the Slime Sundae. Ru took his time with his Spooky Shake and enjoyed it.

     Tyzlant thanked him and joined Edimira, Ru, Oira and Acuarina’s side. “That was fun, what should we do next?” he asked as he held the Meoclops Pillow in his arms.

     “I think we should explore the Deserted Fairgrounds a bit and see what the stores have for Halloween” Oira suggested.

     “Yes, that’s a great idea, and we’ll try Coconut Shy afterwards” Edimira said smiling to him.

     The five Neopets along with their Petpets and Petpetpets took their time and explored the Deserted Fairgrounds, enjoying the night together. At times, a ghost, Zombie, Halloween, Darigan, Mutant and Invisible Neopet would come out to scare them as part of the Halloween night.

     They loved watching Neopets dressed as their favourite villains or heroes for Halloween and enjoyed watching some Neopians get tricked, laughing at the results. They went into the Haunted Weaponry and were shocked and terrified to see the weapons all floating and moving around the room instead of being on the displays where they usually were. The store owner was dressed as a ghost and as soon as the five Neopets saw that, they fled the shop in fright, and the store owner laughed.

     “H-how did that happen? I want to go back in and find out how they were able to do that” Oira asked. “I normally don’t get scared but that truly frightened me” he added.

     “I’m not sure and I’m not going to find out” Edimira said hugging Magic and Ire who were both terrified over the ordeal. Ru and Stu were shaken up by it too as were Edimira and Tyzlant, their Petpets and Petpetpets.

     “I kinda want to go back in but at the same time, it was eerie. Should we go in the Spooky Furniture next?” Oira said. Iora and Rai nodded in agreement. They didn’t like the Haunted Weaponry one bit either and would rather go back to the Haunted Cave then to that store.

     “Sure, I wouldn’t mind checking out the Spooky Furniture Shop and buying something new for my room” Ru said. Stu nodded in agreement.

     The group of friends made their way to the Spooky Furniture store, when they got there the store owner was busy handing out candy to trick or treaters. Ru and Stu had a look around to see what would catch their interest. Ru screamed when he noticed a couch was suddenly floating on its own, not noticing that a Ghost Xweetok was actually holding it. Stu wondered why Ru let out a scream and looked at the couch only noticing it was sitting on the ground. The Ghost Xweetok had quickly put the couch on the ground when Ru screamed. Ru and Stu quickly went to their friends in fright. Ru told them what happened. The five made their way back to the couch and much to Ru’s shock, it was in its normal spot and not floating!

     “Really, Ru?” Tyzlant asked in disbelief. “Honestly, I thought you said this couch was floating” he said.

     “I…i…it was. I just don’t understand how it returned to it’s spot” Ru replied feeling confused about it.

     “It was on the floor when I saw it” Stu told Ru.

     Moments after Stu said that, the Ghost Xweetok grinned and lifted the couch up once again. ‘Oooh! Trick or treat!’ the Ghost Xweetok said. The group of friends stared at the couch in fear and ran out of the store.

     “That was scary” Stu said in fright after they left the store.

     “You can say that again, sorry I didn’t believe you at first, Ru” Tyzlant said.

     “It’s okay, I forgive you. We should go back in and let the store owner know he has furniture that moves on it’s own” Ru said.

     “Are you crazy? I’m not stepping in that store” Edimira told him, she was terrified of what she had just seen. “what if all of the furniture does that just like the weapons?” she added with a shudder.

     “It is Halloween. Maybe it’s done on purpose?” Magic suggested to Edimira. “To be honest, none of us really know if that’s a normal thing or not with those items floating in the Deserted Fairgrounds” she said.

     “Good point, Magic. I agree. Should we go back in and tell them then?” Ire wondered.

     “I think we should, are you up to it guys?” Tyzlant said. The others nodded. The five of them, the Petpets and Petpetpets returned to the store to tell the owner what happened.

     Ru looked around and noticed that some of the furniture floated, he quickly turned his attention back to the store owner, terrified of what he just saw.

     “Did you know that the furniture floats on its own?” Acuarina asked looking at the store owner in confusion.

     “Ah yes. It only does it on Halloween. That’s my trick for the customers who are brave enough to come and witness it and here’s my treat for telling me about it” the store owner replied and gave each Neopet a handful of candy. The friends thanked the store owner and left talking about the experience.

     “Where should we go now?” Raine asked.

     “I think we should try out the Coconut Shy” Oira suggested as Iora and Rai climbed onto his shoulder.

     “Yes! That’s a great idea” Edimira said excitedly. The group of friends made their way to Coconut Shy.

     “Hit those nails in harder, you don't want... *ahem* Sorry, I didn't see you there. Hello and WELCOME to the Haunted Woods Fairground Coconut Shy. Just 100 of your finest Neopoints gets you a throw. Knock down a coconut and win TEN THOUSAND NEOPOINTS, plus a very special (and exclusive) prize!

     Hitting the coconut earns you 50 NP, and if you nearly knock it down, I'll give you 300” Leeroy the Mutant Quiggle cried out with excitement when the five Neopets arrived at Coconut Shy. “and because it’s Halloween you’ll get a bonus extra Halloween prize” he added.

     “Alright! This should be fun, who should go first?” Ru said looking at his friends then back at Leeroy.

     “You can go first, Ru” Acuarina said with a smile. “Good luck!”

     Ru gave the Mutant Quiggle 100NPs and received a few coconuts. He did his best to knock the middle coconut off it’s stand, however, missed and the Coconut he threw hit the curtain. Ru tried again and repeated the same mistake a few times. He managed to hit the Coconut twice but had no luck with knocking it off or making it move.

     “Oi! You had your turn, now it’s time for the others to have theirs” Leeroy said noticing that Ru was going to have another turn. Leeroy gave Ru 100NPs for hitting the coconut. “And because it’s Halloween, you get a Brain Tree Lolly” Leeroy gave the surprised Xweetok the lolly.

     Edimira, Tyzlant and Acuarina got the same result as Ru did when they had their turns, however, Oira became really lucky and managed to knock a Coconut off the stand and won 10,000NPs in return and two Brain Tree Lollies instead of one.

     “I’m so jealous” Ru said playfully at Oira’s win who happily gave one of his lollies to Iora. Iora thanked him and at once she shared it with Rai.

     “I didn’t expect to get that lucky! Thank you, Leeroy” Oira said smiling to the Quiggle who simply nodded in response, he was busy with a new customer.

     “Where to now?” Acuarina asked.

     “Bagatelle” Edimira answered excitedly. “We’re near it so we might as well try our luck there” she said.

     Tyzlant nodded in agreement. The five friends made their way to Bagatelle and played 20 games each and unfortunately didn’t win anything. “Better luck next time,” Harker the Lupe said as the five thanked him for their time. “I’m afraid you don’t win any Halloween candy either, I ran out just a moment ago” he added.

     The five Neopets, Petpets and Petpetpets explored the Deserted Fairgrounds, getting a fright now and then when a Zombie, Halloween, Ghost and Invisible Neopets randomly appeared out of no-where and scared them.

     “Is it normal for this place to have Neopets randomly scaring you?” Edimira asked. Magic and Ire wanted to know the answers too.

     “Something tells me it is. It’s not called the Deserted Fairgrounds for nothing” Oira answered imaging that some guests are just too scared to go there because of the Neopets that enjoy scaring others. Iora let out a yawn and looked at Oira. “When are we going home, Oira?” she asked tiredly. Rai nodded in agreement. He was sleepy too.

     “Soon, Iora, I promise. If you’re tired, you can sleep on my shoulder or I can carry you and sleep in my paw” Oira said. “I’ll be fine, for now, Oira” Iora told him. Rai let out a yawn and fell asleep soon after on Iora’s shoulder. Iora smiled as she looked at Rai, then back at Oira. “Maybe not, I think I agree with Rai” Iora said and jumped down to Oira’s paw, she then fell asleep.

     “If they didn’t do that, it wouldn’t be a fun Halloween! Should we finish the night after Castle Nox? It’d be fun to see what that place has to offer us” Ru said. Ru nodded in agreement, it would be boring if Neopets didn’t scare them.

     Acuarina nodded. “Yes, and I think we should spend the whole night at the Deserted Fairgrounds not until just midnight, it’s only 10:00pm now” she said.

     “Where would we sleep, Acuarina?” Ru asked. “I mean, the Deserted Fairgrounds doesn’t have a Neolodge or a hotel room” he said as a Halloween Kacheek walked past them.

     “Good point! I think we should try the sleep over sometime when we’re more prepared. We don’t have sleeping bags with us either” Acuarina said with a laugh.

     Tyzlant and Edimira looked at one another then back at Ru, Acuarina and Oira. “Maybe there’s a room at the Castle Nox?” Edimira suggested sounding hopeful.

     “I heard that place is haunted” Ru said with a shudder. “It is, from what I heard” Stu told him.

     “No different to the Deserted Fairgrounds and other places in Neopia” Oira said with a grin. “More of a reason for me wanting to stay the night in Castle Nox if I get the chance” he added.

     “We’ll plan the stay for our next trip to the Deserted Fairgrounds then” Edimira said. “Right now, we should go there while we have time, I mean it’s not long until midnight and we should get back to our Neolodges before then” she said.

     The Five Neopets along with their Petpets and Petpetpets walked to Castle Nox, watching as many Neopets went about their business, some were playing Coconut Shy, others were at Bagetelle and the Wheel of Misfortune. Many were dressed in their best Halloween costumes.

     The queue for Castle Nox was rather long which surprised Acuarina as she thought it would be deserted. Many Neopets loved going there and having a look around, only a small amount was allowed to. When their turn came, the five split up and had a look around the castle, admiring the huge portrait of Nox himself.

     Soon the five met up at the entrance and began to talk about their experience at the castle. “Did you ever get the feeling of being watched by the Hubrid Nox portrait?” Edimira asked with a shiver as she glanced at it then back at her friends. Magic and Ire nodded in agreement.

     “I felt that too, it was almost like Hubrid Nox was back” Tyzlant answered as he hugged Renee and Mina in right arm while carrying his Meowclops Cushion in his left arm.

     “Glad I wasn’t the only one” Ru said, Oira and Acuarina nodded in agreement.

     “Should we head back to our Neolodges now?” Acuarina asked noticing that Raine was sleeping on her Basket of Apples.

     “Yes. I think we should. It was such a fun night too, and I think we should spend the night in the Haunted Mansion sometime, the five of us plus our Petpets and Petpetpets” Ru said, he looked at Stu then back at his friends.

     Tyzlant nodded in agreement. “I’m looking forward to be using my new Meowclops Cushion tonight” he said smiling as he looked at it. Renee and Mina glanced at the Cushion.

     “Not if we use it first, Tyz” Renee said and grinned at the Lutari. Tyzlant smiled. “I don’t mind if you do” he said to her.

     “Should we plan our next journey tomorrow?” Oira asked, he was eager to go to the Haunted Mansion. Iora and Rai were still asleep in his paw.

     “Yes, for sure” Edimira answered. “What do you two think?” she asked as she looked at Magic and Ire. Both of them nodded in agreement, and yawned.

     The five Neopets made their way back to the Neolodge, meeting Trick or treaters on the way. They bid one another good night as they went to their own rooms.

     “What an awesome way to spend Halloween, I can’t wait to do the same thing next year!” Tyzlant said as he made his way to his bed. Renee and Mina went to their Brown Petpet Bed. Tyzlant then remembered his promise. He gave the Meowclops Cushion for Renee and Mina to use on their bed, even though it was a bit too big the two thanked him for it.

     “We're looking forward for Halloween next year too, Tyzlant” Renee told him, Mina nodded.

     “Good night, you two” Tyzlant said as he climbed into his bed.

     “Good night, Tyzlant, see you in the morning, or should I say next month” Renee said with a giggle. Mina and Tyzlant chuckled.

     “I’ll have to remember that one” Tyzlant said then soon fell asleep, dreaming about the events that happened at the Deserted Fairgrounds.


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