Meow Circulation: 195,899,031 Issue: 883 | 15th day of Storing, Y21
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by vanillanillawafer

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{ Crowded Woods } Communication Troubles
Life's hard when you can only talk via dance.

by candyplague


Something has Happened! - Battledome Baby
Looks like you could use some training!

by _kate_e_did_


Making the Most of Kadoatie Feeding
There are lots of guides on how to go about navigating the Kadoatery, whether you’re after a new avatar, a high number trophy, or just want to make a difference in the lives of some sad Kadoaties. A more pressing question exists however. Not how to feed a kad, but what to do while you’re waiting to feed a kad.

by combat_lobster_46903


Traveler's Guide: Mystery Island
If you are a travel enthusiastic, here is a Traveler's Guide that brings 10 awesome places to go on Mystery Island!

by nice_collector

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