Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,899,031 Issue: 883 | 15th day of Storing, Y21
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Short Stories

The Kad and the Warf Rescue Team

The siren was loud in the petpet’s ears as it blared through the speakers. The Warf Rescue Team members didn’t mind though since they never wanted to miss a rescue operation.

by _polonius_
Food Club Shenanigans

Gooblah, Dan, Buck and Squire are competing in the lastest match of food club, but things don't exactly go as expected.

by erliane
Colourful Opinions

I hope this story amuses at least a few people

by ikiracake
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"The Kad and the Warf Rescue Team" by _polonius_
The Kad and Warf Rescue Team The siren was loud in the petpet’s ears as it blared through the speakers. The Warf Rescue Team members didn’t mind though since they never wanted to miss a rescue operation. Team Leader Pat finished checking the parachutes. “Ok Team!” Our mission is to rescue a kadoatie named Fiddlesticks who is up in a large tree - approximately three branches up. It’s pretty high, but if we stick to what we’ve done in practice I know we can do it.” Warf Rescue members began slapping each other on the back. The energy was high. They were ready to get Fiddlesticks unstuck. “Any questions?” Pat asked, picking up his backpack filled parachute. Pat had rolled all the parachutes himself. He had learned the hard way that if they weren’t double checked there could be major problems. Pat loved his job. Being part of the rescue squad gave him a sense of purpose as a Warf. He loved helping kadoaties and making sure that they were able to get back to their regular lives. Pat had chosen all the team members himself for the squad and was sure of them. This was important to their success, since they really relied on each other.

Other Stories


Fostering a Love of Learning
Fall is here, meaning class has been in session for several weeks and summer is long gone! The initial hype of returning back to school is often felt by even the laziest Neopet. Who doesn't like seeing their friends after summer vacation and shopping for new clothes?!

by thebiscuitbunch


Four Unusual Dailies to Do... Daily!
If you have played Neopets for any amount of time, chances are that you have a list of dailies. Maybe they’re stored as links on a pet's petpage, maybe they‘re just a mental to-do list, but either way, you do them everyday. In this article, I will share a few activities on my dailies list that are more time-consuming or unusual than standard dailies like Coltzan's Shrine or Kiko Pop. They may be more effort, but the reward is greater as well!

by costumely


The Book of the Twelve:Part Nine
IX-I. Tradym, the Sailor

by herdygerdy


The Dark Detective
“Dark. Dark, wake up. Dark!”

by tanikagillam


Then and Now

idea by spirochetes

by linnipooh


Years of zapping and nothing happens?

by terukiyo

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