For an easier life Circulation: 196,153,638 Issue: 896 | 27th day of Running, Y22
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Oh, like YOU immediately knew what it meant

by alphachicky

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A Royal Send Off: Fyora's Bucket List
With Queen Fyora's sudden announcement of her retirement, one has to wonder how she would fill the voids in her day that were previously dominated by government and royal functions. In collaboration with Black_Skull725.

by parody_ham


Harker's Story
Meridell was much as Harker had expected it to be – warm, sunny, grassy and green. It didn’t particularly suit his purposes for it to be so sunny and warm, as he had banked on keeping his identity mostly unknown, under his dark hooded cloak with his scarf wrapped around his face.

by tanikagillam


10 Reasons Why A Kadoatie Should Be The Next Queen
While most citizens of Faerieland are hoping that the next Queen of Faerieland is someone experienced in dealing with many Neopets like Naia or Bree, or strong like Aethia or Mira, I think those may not be the best idea. What would be a good idea, though, would be choosing a Kadoatie to be the new ruler of Faerieland. Why would a Kadoatie be a purr-fect ruler? This is what I'll explain here, in full detail.

by applepowder


Fyora's Plan
Wait... It's who?Drawn by tifnkittygrundler.

by 1337_masta

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