teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 920 | 13th day of Storing, Y22
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Neopets 21st Anniversary Cake Maze!

by gamador

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Happy 21st Birthday, Neopets!
Make the most of Neopets' birthday!

by mucka33


Having a Hoot: The Vandagyre Way
The Vandagyre were released during the 15th year birthday celebrations, so let's celebrate vandagyre day and neopets' birthday together!

by roxi2rox


Songs for Neopets 21st Birthday
Adee, the Chia, is releasing an album for you to listen to on Neopets 21st Birthday. Collab with fishmas and ghatna

by acara_575


Five Great Celebration Ideas
Various ways we can celebrate this special occasion!

by cuchatenador

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