Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 920 | 13th day of Storing, Y22
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Vrosealie hesitantly lifted the mocha to the tip of her nose and wearily sniffed it. She took a sip. A romantic chocolatey aroma swarmed her taste buds as it sweetly complimented the perfectly, light roasted coffee brew. The unexpected fresh flavour of the juppie danced around the slight tang of the coffee. The tasteful experience was bright, like the colour of the mug, like Ash’s attire, like the Meridellan blue skies. Her eyes lit up with a sparkle emulating the explosive colours of fireworks. This mug of Cocoa Juppie Mocha tasted like a mixture of the happiness sweet bread and bitter coffee gave her on a gloomy Neovia morning. It felt like the nostalgic thrill of enjoying an uplifting breakfast before having to face the dull workday.

All of the Birthday Fun with None of the Calories!

---Starring Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Maldice the Stealthy Draik, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!--- Christine: Welcome! It’s that time of year again; Neopets’ birthday is coming up! Of course, Neopets far and wide like to celebrate, preferably by eating cake. However, a few of us refrain from eating cake--- Walda: WHY?! Who wouldn’t like cake?! Preferably chocolate cake. Christine: Because cake is full of sugar and calories. Also, some people are lactose-intolerant. Anyway, I have gathered some birthday-themed items which will allow us to celebrate Neopets’ birthday with none of the calories. Walda: I WANT CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! WAAAAHHHH!!! Maldice: No, you brat...

21 Neopian Years: 21 Things You Can Do in Neopets

Neopets is getting a year older this year. While we had some significant changes this year – the beginning of the Beta era and the discovery of Dacardia – some things haven't changed from years prior and are still pretty popular with today's Neopets users. This article will list twenty one things – in celebration of Neopets' twenty one years of existence – you can do in Neopia to enrich your Neopets birthday experience and live it the fullest! 1. The first thing you can do is make friends from all over the world. There are plenty of tools to help with this, like the many different NeoBoards subjects of discussion. Are you a collector? There is a board for you! Do you like to write stories about your Neopets or other Neopia related subjects? There is a board for you as well!

Five Great Celebration Ideas

Happy birthday Neopets! Welcome, dear Neopian Times reader. As you may know, we’re celebrating Neopets turning another year older. I don’t know about you, but the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word ‘birthday’ is celebrating! I love a good party, and I love any excuse to plan one (seriously, anything will do. Occasions like birthdays or anniversaries are obvious ones, but you don’t need a big reason to organize a good time with people you love, after all. Impromptu, just-because celebrations are amazing too).

Other Stories
"The Best Gift Ever" by carmyyyyy
It was late afternoon, but the sunlight was still coming through the glass windows of the Uni’s Clothing Shop. Neopians were lucky to have such warm and sunny weather on that day. “Good afternoon, Ma’am!” Farrah, the shopkeeper, quickly greeted Anya right after she entered the store. “Oh… and where are my manners?” Farrah blushed for a moment. ”Happy Neopia Day!” said Farrah, while flashing a big smile. “Afternoon.” After heavily sighing, that was all that Anya replied. Anya figured that the shopkeeper might have thought she was being unexpectedly rude and moody, but Anya knew her for a long time now and didn’t care that much. Actually, it was more than “not caring”...

"Caught Between Surprises" by parody_ham
A red Zafara sat alone in a brick-laden room, cross-legged and handling two rolls of streamers. All around her, piles of decorations intertwined around her arms and legs. Multi-coloured glitter covered her from head to toe. Even her iconic star-clad blue hat and cape dazzled like mirror balls. If not for a bespectacled yellow Aisha standing beside her and coughing loudly, she’d have completely missed the Aisha’s presence. “Uhh, Kayla? Need some help?” “I’m fine,” Kayla replied. “But thanks, Lisha.” The Aisha gave her a look as she reached over to unwind a shimmering garland from Kayla’s ears. “Well, maybe a little help would be good.”

"The Fatherhood Letters" by precious_katuch14
Dear Rohane, I’m going to cut to the chase. Andrea and I are going to be parents! Which means that you, little brother, are going to be an uncle. I know it may not be as impressive as all the other things you’ve done especially as a big shot hero and a knight of Meridell, but just think of it as your next big adventure. That’s what this feels like, really. An adventure. Andrea was so excited she jumped for joy and I couldn’t help but pick her up and twirl her all over the living room. If Mother didn’t know why we were dancing, she probably would’ve thought that we lost our minds. Of course, she was just as happy for us – so happy she put together a big celebratory dinner with apple pie, a hearty meat stew, a summer salad...

Toy Shop

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Great stories!


Five Great Celebration Ideas
Various ways we can celebrate this special occasion!

by cuchatenador


404: Celebration Not Found
Happy 21st birthday, Neopets!

by t0tor0


The Fatherhood Letters
Reuben seeks to quell his anxieties about becoming a father in a series of letters to his brother Rohane.

by precious_katuch14


The Best Gift Ever
One Neopian struggles to celebrate the birthday of Neopia. Collab with quigglebaby and eggfruit

by carmyyyyy


All of the Birthday Fun with None of the Calories!
Check out these birthday-themed items to celebrate Neopets’ birthday with none of the calories!

by _brainchild_

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